I am done with the Droid experiment

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Super Moderator
It's mainly the part about assuming all iPhone users choose it because it's "not simple" and the implication that evolves from that which I don't care for. The implication is that the iPhone is basically for people that aren't technically savvy and are dummies. It's also a rather elitist attitude. That is the main issue I have with remarks like that. It's almost as if people think because they have a Droid they are automatically smarter in regards to technology. That simply isn't the case.

Each phone has their flaws. In my opinion, a rooted Android is on par and better than an iPhone but out of the box to out of the box, there tend to be more "issues" with stock Droids than stock iPhones. A rooted Android is a great device, especially once you get the garbage that Verizon and other carriers forced on us skimmed off and let the true Android OS shine.

Item for item, I by no means consider one better than they other. Both have benefits. both have drawbacks. It comes down to personal preference and hasn't gotten a thing to do with the intelligence of the users.


Silver Member
I have had both, and while I feel the hardware is better on the iphone compared to my X, the software is gimped. Android is for the person who likes to play with their phone and customize. iOS is easier to use and for the person who just wants to text and check FB.

sent from my ZombieStomped X


Super Moderator
Is there any particular reason you *need* to be right about your choice of phones being 'better'?

It's subjective, it might be better for you, but it isn't for everybody. Also asking skewed questions and then answering them in a snide way just makes you come off as an insecure jerk.

Let people make their own choices. Don't force your choice down their throat. Gosh sometimes message boards are worse than religions :icon_ banana:

I wasn't posting anything as to which is 'right' or 'better' - we're not discussing philosophical differences, but real world differences in a device, and since the OP is posting in what many would consider a 'hostile' environment for people who would engage in a philosophical vs. debate regarding a high profile and disparate competitor - which you seem to be trying to goad me into. Sorry :(

I also never 'asked any questions' and 'answered them' in a 'skewed way.' I'm trying to do the unthinkable: discuss real world differences between devices. I listed the ones that affected MY choice of phones.

Now, at his discretion, it's up to the OP to post their own - in specifics, as I did.

Again, keep in mind: this is meant to be a constructive discussion, regarding the ins and outs of iPhone vs. Droid users, AS WELL AS a potential thread for consumers trying to make such decisions.

If you mischaracterize or otherwise reduce my explicitly constructive post as a philosophical or otherwise rant, that's a personal problem, and should be exempt from these threads.

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As I'm not sure the original poster will return to the thread, I addressed some of the issues listed. I'm working so didn't have time to go item for item but a broad summary. I think it provides a decent counterpoint.

Ultimately, it is personal preference. And in all honesty, I read your post the same as Nebraska did. There were quite a few hints of personal preference tinting the tone of your post.


Super Moderator
and for the person who just wants to text and check FB.

sent from my ZombieStomped X

Both phones are quite good at quite a bit more than just texting and checking FB. Of that I can assure you.

For those that think I'm simply cheerleading for the Apple, I'm not. I appreciate all technology from all angles and absolutely ABHOR stereotypes about users of specific devices. Those stereotypes and the remarks that follow destroy what can be constructive and interesting discussions.
It's mainly the part about assuming all iPhone users choose it because it's "not simple" and the implication that evolves from that which I don't care for. The implication is that the iPhone is basically for people that aren't technically savvy and are dummies.

In my opinion, a rooted Android is on par and better than an iPhone but out of the box to out of the box, there tend to be more "issues" with stock Droids than stock iPhones

I didn't make any such implication.

And 'your opinion' regarding 'issues with droid phones out of the box' vs fewer with the iPhone is invalid.

I would invite you to the iPhone forums to invalidate your opinion, to peruse the myriad of technical 'issues' with Apple's product - including it's demonstrably inferior battery life potential (when compared to 2.2 + droid phones) demonstrably inferior screen compared to Samsungs products, demonstrably inferior customization options, and demonstrably inferior means for getting media onto the product.

These aren't idealogical claims. They're factual, and based on real-world functionality.

My phone isn't rooted btw. I get nearly 30 hours a day on one charge. That pic up above is real: I even watch feature films on it.

Comparing Apple's single iPhone against a myriad of Droid phones, with disparate UI's and hardware is blatantly, patently absurd. The OP only had experience with 2 out of several new droid phones.

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New Member
First off - I don't come here to fan the flame war. I've got nothing but good things to say about the D2G community here, and frankly I still come check out the forum just to see what's going on and when that gingerbread update finally hits (or new fission... just kidding, that's never coming). Hence, I've come late to this thread.

I made the switch about 2 months ago from the D2G to the VZW iphone 4. I had the original iphone, 3g and ATT ip4 before switching to the D2G, which I ran on fission for about 5 months. Without delving into too much detail, the following have been key improvements in MY (not saying everyone's) daily phone use:

1. Battery life is roughly 2x my D2G, even with SetCPU, turning on and off various functionality, etc. I no longer have to think about battery usage in my daily routine like I did with the D2G. This alone has been worth the switch. I could barely get a full days use despite car and desk charging on the D2G. I can forget to charge the iphone at night and still make it to noon the next day without a concern.

2. Corporate email - for all the trash talked about apple's outlook handling, I was shocked to discover that moto's corporate email was even worse. Touchdown and K9 were decent alternatives... but neither integrate as seamlessly as iOS. The fundamental problem was the inability to stay synced 24/7 with the corporate email server.

3. Music player - I've done head to head comparisons with identical files, the iphone 4 sounds better to me. The D2G with the stock music player was particularly bad and would introduce an occasional digital pop into music. Music playback would occasionally stutter when other apps stressed the phone. The D2G did not offer line out via the USB port. Finally, having set up my music collection in iTunes years ago, I do not agree with other posters that dragging and dropping is a superior solution. Plus, I think iTunes photo syncing with aperture is slick and functional.

4. No wifi bluetooth interference - this may have been a problem unique to my situation, but wifi would interfere with my car connection after about 30 seconds of use. Turning off wifi would fix this. It was a small matter, but it drove me crazy and I found it emblematic of the lack of overall integration. Also, bluetooth would only display (H) for home and (W) for work. If a phone number was given a special tag, like "Work Mobile" my car would display only an asterisk. This does not happen with iphone, which displays the full number label.

I do miss a few things from android - especially the slick turn by turn directions and the better notifications and flash videos. But in the end, I find that I get more done, more often with the iphone 4. Obviously, your milage may vary.
I do miss a few things from android - especially the slick turn by turn directions and the better notifications and flash videos. But in the end, I find that I get more done, more often with the iphone 4. Obviously, your milage may vary.

Obviously. Well, you mentioned 'drag and drop' music files as not being inferior - but on my stock droid phone, I can download music from several places (some of which are considered nefarious) besides Verizons services, including MP3 files from Youtube. Does the stock iPhone allow free music downloads (or any for that matter) from non partners?

Sent from my SCH-I500 using DroidForums
There were quite a few hints of personal preference tinting the tone of your post.

No personal preference whatsover. I don't care who's name is on the box.

The product that does the most for my money is what I'm interested in, period. My droid phone has more functionality than any current iPhone available.

These mysterious OS stability concerns are invalid, since they only occurr on some devices - droid phones are different in many regards from one another.

Which brings me to the ridiculous nature of debating the iPhone vs. multiple droid phones - the fact is, you didn't need to go to iPhone to address these concerns over a different droid phone.

Apple's entire corporate structure is based on limited functionality - it's the very nature of a proprietary OS. Limit your net services, media services, connectability services, and if you're a developer, your programming resources.

This is why I went with a droid phone. In fact, the only preference I have toward the iPhone is it's snazzy metal backplate.

Sent from my SCH-I500 using DroidForums


Theme Developer
Some funny comments :) lol i always enjoy reading these posts

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New Member
Funny posts, but I actually am thoroughly impressed with the iphones screen quality. But I would never give up my 2 day battery life I managed on my thunderbolt.

Sent from my Liquid Thunderbolt using DroidForums


Silver Member
Why do people bring up the removable battery thing always? They act as if millions of people are sitting at home waiting for apple to return their phones because iphone batteries are failing en masse weekly or something.

Second, as I read this thread it really does appear that people think droid users are smarter lol. That's why I love threads like these because of the derp derps who say things like "on our side we like tinkering with things while ios users like being spoonfed". How they don't see the foolishness in their statements are beyond me. I think it's safe to assume that ios has a far larger jailbreak community then androids rooted community. But, "we're super geniuses who get the most out our phones, snort snort"...gimme a break.

Both os's do things well, and both communities have smart and dumb people (as evidenced by this thread). These threads are a great way to separate the two types of users, and that's what makes them funny.
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Silver Member
Screen quality is very nice. How are people like yourself getting 2 days on a charge? I've tried everything! Juice defender ultimate with undervolting, sync is off, my widgets are at a min, i calibrate the battery etc... I am a super heavy user though. I mean suuuuper heavy. I would like more than 8 hours though

Sent from my DROID2 using DroidForums


Silver Member
Screen quality is very nice. How are people like yourself getting 2 days on a charge? I've tried everything! Juice defender ultimate with undervolting, sync is off, my widgets are at a min, i calibrate the battery etc... I am a super heavy user though. I mean suuuuper heavy. I would like more than 8 hours though

Sent from my DROID2 using DroidForums

They turn off sync, every radio and don't touch their phones...


Silver Member
You don't have to tweak the iPhone because you can't. IPhone to droid is like hp desktop to alienware. IPhone is definitely a nice phone, but is way to vanilla for me. Market has more free apps and I've read market is on pace to have more apps by late fall.

Sent 2 u via Incredible 2

For all of the good things that could be pointed out about Android over iOS, the last argument that I would use would be apps.

Sure, Android Market might have MORE free apps, and be on track to have more apps period in the future. But, in this case iOS wins the "quality vs. quantity" argument. Google seems to have absolutely no control over the Android market whatsoever, and it is completely overrun with "crap apps". I cannot even browse the "Games" section without having porn thrown in my face, seeing hundreds of "apps" that are simply pirated versions of J2ME games running on an emulator, and even apps that are a blatant ripoff of another developers work.

If I had children, I wouldn't even let them touch an Android phone, since they might get into the Android market and be allowed access to pornographic apps (again, in the "Games" section) that include full frontal nudity in the screenshots section.

Android may have alot of advantages, however the apps market is not one of them. Just my humble opinion. I am one of the biggest Android supporters you will ever meet, and even I switched to the iPhone 4 simply because of the quality of apps/games that are available.
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