SQUIDLY 2.3.20 ROM here it is same theme as 2.0 but new base official


New Member
I want this ROM!

Hey squidly I've been doing lots of research on roms for at least 2 weeks and I really would like to try urs out. I know youve updated it to v. 1.0.1 or something...I've read through all of the threads... :) But the dowload links are now dead on rapid share and the mirrored link could you direct me to a fresh link please. Thank you.:motdroidvert:


Rescue Squad
Rescue Squad
Are you trying this one or the I just tried all three and no issues.

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New Member
Im trying the two links under the squidly 1.0.1 update thread....

rapidshare says the download is unavailable
mediashare says invalid key?
I downloaded the original file from the original post, but I was really wanting the one with the bug fixes...
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New Member
No not that thread lol IDK what the heck i had been googling for differnt sites for the download and bam there it is... I have one question though what is the actual difference in blur no blur? I s blur the stock launcher and home settings from the stock rom on droid 2 sorry imma newb. :)


Rescue Squad
Rescue Squad
No worries. Blur has all of the blur apps like blur sms blur social widgets blur callender etc

Stock has little to no blur to optimize performance.

tappin and a talkin


New Member
Alright, so let's see im about to take this leap and I wanna be sure...
I've got koush bootstrap, clockwork recovery, rom manager, titanium backup, I have created a backup, my contact are all on gmail... Is there anything I'm missing I should be good right? I am rooted with z4root... Almost forgot that important part...


Wow, this ROM is so much more popular on this forum. On XDA it's all about Fission and this barely gets any attention. Good ROM.


Rescue Squad
Rescue Squad
You should do a nandroid backup in cm recovery and then follow the instructions in the thread I linked you. No wiping of data/cache is required.

tappin and a talkin


New Member
Is the nandroid backup not made when I do a back up on the koushbootstrap program or in rom manager.. What are you refering to cm recovery? Sorry again if this is annoying lol.


Rescue Squad
Rescue Squad
Yeah sorry overlooked that part of your post. You're good to go. For future reference cm recovery, or clockwork mod recovery, reffers to the custom recovery that koush's bootstrap boots you in to.

tappin and a talkin


New Member
oh okay thanks, now should I make copies of thiose backups on my pc? Or will I be able to get back to them even if I brick my phone?


Rescue Squad
Rescue Squad
They're fine on your sd card. If you brick it and aren't able to get in to cm recovery it won't matter where they are because you'll have to sbf.

tappin and a talkin


New Member
ok ive already downloaded the sbf file aswell. :) trying to fail proof everything before I try this out... This whole process has been so fun! lol No sarcasm intended.