Big red strikes again


Nov 20, 2009
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If any of this is wrong, and I hope it is, please let me know.

I just got off the phone with Verizon and the said that if you want to go month to month on the 3g everytime you start the service you have to pay a 35 dollar activation fee. I was really hoping they would rum that like AT&T does. This Guy did mention something about suspending service when you don't want it but I'm not sure how all that works.

Has anybody heard anything different?

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I'm not exactly sure what you're asking here. If you want to suspend service, when I worked at VZW, you could vacation suspend a line 2 times a year, up to 90 days each time. You could suspend with or without billing. If you suspended without billing, the time on vacation suspend would not be charged, however you would extend your contract out by that amount of time. If you suspend with billing, your contract end date remains the same. Is this what you're asking about?
Well, iPad 2 is going to be announced tomorrow. You can get that wifi only. Then you don't pay any data plan. You might want to see what they are offering.

It's ridiculous why they haven't made the Xoom available data free.
I want to be able to start and stop they data plan at will like with the ipad on att. the vz Rep said if I did that I would have to pay an activation fee every time. I think that sucks.

Btw @hookbill no data plan is required you can use the xoom wifi only. Also I was a big fan of your omnia work.

Sent from my Xoom using DroidForums App
The zoom can be purchased data free. I got mine from Bestbuy wifi only.

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here what i got from a rep on chat

Please hold for a Verizon Wireless sales representative to assist you with your order. Thank you for your patience.
You are now chatting with 'Dale'
You: hello
Dale: Hello. Thank you for visiting our chat service. May I help you with your order today?
You: i was wondering if i did the month to month do i have to pay for activation everytime
Dale: What is the activation in reference to? Are you a new customer?
You: no
Dale: Are you adding a line to an existing account?
You: month to month plan for xoom
You: if i dont use 3g for a couple of months then i need it do i have to pay for activation everytime i use 3g
Dale: What are you intending to do precisely?
You: buy a xoom at full retail
You: then only use 3g when i really need it
Dale: The activation is a one time fee for the line of service.
Dale: Hi, just checking in how's everything going?
You: so i buy the xoom without a contract. and within a year only pay for 3 months of service
Dale: No, you would pay for the service on a monthly basis.
You: the store wasnt really clear on this
You: one person said yes another said no
You: am i making sense to you
Dale: Yes.
You: ok thank you
Dale: You are most welcome.
You: have a good day
Dale: Thank you for visiting Verizon Wireless, I look forward to speaking with you again. Have a great day!
Your chat session has been ended by your Verizon Wireless online agent.

iwas getting the same thing at the store so i saved this chat with rep so i can so them at the store.
So without a contract a 799 xoom is essentially an overpriced wifi only device. Who would pay 35 each time you activate. This is terrible news if true.

Sent from my SGH-T959 using DroidForums App
I read that to mean you pay one time to activate your device, then it's just month to month, no re-activation charges: "The activation is a one time fee for the line of service."

Personally I'm just using mine wifi only. If my job/income changed then I might switch, though with the coming 4G I'd need an expensive data plan!
I think att allows a one month here and there with no activation. Some months I travel and would like it but some I don't and would'nt want it. Not deal breaker for me just a bummer.

Sent from my SGH-T959 using DroidForums App
Ok so I went to V website and they do have daily weekly and monthly. Do these require activation and can they be applied to xoom?

Sent from my SGH-T959 using DroidForums App
Yeah, sounds to me like $35 is a one-time activation fee. Doesn't cost them anything for people to enable/disable access, so I'm not sure why they'd try to charge people $35 every time they need a month of service and end-up not getting any additional money.

Also, like mentioned they've had daily and other sorts of "pay as you go" programs and there's no recurring activation fee.
The Verizon plan is not "OPT IN" like on AT&T for the Ipad.

You must pay the minumum $20/month for the 1GB data plan for 24 months if you want your XOOM for 600 bucks. If not you have to pay 800 bucks. Not sure what the point of this post is since you have no choice with Verizon if you purchased at $599 (w/2 year).

I want to be able to start and stop they data plan at will like with the ipad on att. the vz Rep said if I did that I would have to pay an activation fee every time. I think that sucks.

Btw @hookbill no data plan is required you can use the xoom wifi only. Also I was a big fan of your omnia work.

Sent from my Xoom using DroidForums App
Lol, I just need to get into a store. I am just afraid I will walk out with a tablet. I am trying to wait for some sale or deal. I am just hesitant to get into a two year commitment. Would almost go for 699 for one year.

Sent from my SGH-T959 using DroidForums App
Was in the same boat.... I say was because I just pulled the trigger and ordered two xooms with two of the iPad type cases. Called our account manager and the deal was too good to pass up. Should have both by 10 am tomorrow.
When you say activation fee are you talking about activating a xoom you purchased at full retail price from Verizon?