Stuck on bootloader

And so far, the only rooted one in my zone thanks to DF!! :)
Idk Spaz, I mainly just listen and learn from you two! Haha!

Yes, are any of those batteries charged?

And it's good to know we have a tame rep working with us. ;)

DroidForums junkie!
Nonsense we learn from each other and you bring a lot of valuable info to the table especially working for Verizon.

Sent from my DROID2 using DroidForums App
A verizon rep who has a rooted droid :D .......all of you who help out in the community provide value. So thanks again for doing what you guys do.
I appreciate that man!!

Nonsense we learn from each other and you bring a lot of valuable info to the table especially working for Verizon.

Sent from my DROID2 using DroidForums App

DroidForums junkie!
Indeed, both of you are highly valued members of the community! Thanks for everything! :)

Yes sir!! The other reps at my store are too nervous to even attempt to root! Haha! I've learned soooo much about this phone and Android in general since rooting...and basically living on this forum! I'm the go to guy when they can't figure something out. I owe ALL of that to this community! So, if I can even give back a fraction of what I've gotten from being here, I've done my part! :dancedroid:

A verizon rep who has a rooted droid :D .......all of you who help out in the community provide value. So thanks again for doing what you guys do.

DroidForums junkie!
*vigorously spraying air freshener* oh hay pc when did you get here

But seriously at the risk of this turning in to a pat on the back fest this is what we're all about, learning what we don't know while teaching others what we do. I came here three months ago today with absolutely no knowledge of the android os and thanks to the help of everyone here I got to the place I am today. Thanks guys.

Sent from my DROID2 using DroidForums App
Thanks man!! I've learned more by following you and Spaz than either of you realize! Stalker status! Haha!

Indeed, both of you are highly valued members of the community! Thanks for everything! :)


DroidForums junkie!
Hahaha!! :rofl:
Yeah, upon the start of our 3,333 post race, I noticed you just joined in September!! I was wondering if you ever sleep...??? :)
I think its crazy how much you've learned in 3 months time Spaz! You're a fart smella!! Haha!

*vigorously spraying air freshener* oh hay pc when did you get here

But seriously at the risk of this turning in to a pat on the back fest this is what we're all about, learning what we don't know while teaching others what we do. I came here three months ago today with absolutely no knowledge of the android os and thanks to the help of everyone here I got to the place I am today. Thanks guys.

Sent from my DROID2 using DroidForums App

DroidForums junkie!
Good morning guys. Yes I have five. Sadly I'm not the brightest bulb on the tree so none of them were charged. Yes I have to start laying the tiles again lol, so I can't try to fix my droid till later tonight. Thanks for everything you help us droidees do and will talk to you later.


I hope I survive another day too lol. Yes I caught that.
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Hi. I did that crazy thing with the wires and it worked great. Now if you could just tell me how to get my phone out of the Droid Eye bootloop that I'm in, I will be able to have my beloved phone back. Help again, pleeeaaaassseeeeee. LOL
Boot into recovery and do a full/factory reset.

This came from my brain by way of my finger and my phone. Don't ask where any of them have been. Especially the brain.