Sounds like we are having different results with the OTA update, figured it would be good to share with consideration to sticking to observations & tips.
Dawg's ICS OTA Observations: (downloaded from system updates)
Dawg's ICS OTA Observations: (downloaded from system updates)
- October 23 10:00
- Phone was stock .905, never rooted/modified
- Took about 40 min to download and install
- Most apps on desktop reappeared with the exception of an app called Folder Editor and apps in those folders. 86'd the app, like stacking apps anyway
- Bionic seems wicked fast!
- No whine or hiss on audio, used earbuds and Bose QuietSound headset.
- Noticed that I do not see all my music in the standard Play Music app, but shows up in PowerAmp (Update Oct 24: Seemed to fix itself, everything shows up)
- Beautiful Widgets clock and weather skins work, calendar widget does not
- Email apps work fine (Notes Traveler, Gmail, Xfinity)
- Ran Quadrant(2572). not quite as fast as my Asus Infinity (4400), but works ok.
- October 24 6:30am
- At coffee shop, normally no 3g only wireless. Now 4G! Did Speed Test, 8mb down, 4mb up, I'll take it! Liking this! Initial thoughts, very pleased so far! Will keep checking things out and update on observations and progress
- 8:16 PM Only slightly negative thing so far is that I noticed my battery life was a bit worse. I normally unplug from charger at 6:00 am'ish and get home aroud 6:30 pm'ish, normally have about 60% battery life, today was about 40% (use extended life battery)
- Ran another Quadrant, had not rebooted, still runs about 2570
- TIP: If you need to take a screen-shot, hold down power and volume-down bottons at the same time
- TIP: Good YouTube video showing ICS basics (on RAZR)
- TIP: Decent thread on extending battery life using Task Manager & Smart Actions on the RAZR (ICS)
- TIP: Awesome catch if your Bionic is sluggish after update!
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