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Battery life on ICS ... MY Experience.


Rescue Squad
Rescue Squad
There has been a ton of talk about battery life with ICS, and while I am NOT an expert on the subject, I can say from personal experience that it all depends on how the phone is set up. I had a Droid 2 before I got a Razr Maxx, and I got pretty good battery life with the D2, even though I had it over-clocked. The D2 lasted me almost two years before I went to the Razr Maxx. You have to remember if the phone is on and in use, even if the screen is off, it's using battery. EVERY app and function in the phone uses battery.

While this is simply MY personal preference with the setup on MY phone, there are things you can do to take care of the battery and make the phone use less battery. Everyone uses their phone for different things, and in different ways, so as the old saying goes, "your mileage may vary".

First of all, my phone IS rooted, and yes, I tether my laptop. Take THAT Big Red. :icon_ devil:

The CPU in the Razr Maxx is listed as 1.2 MHZ, with 1 GB of RAM. That's blazing fast for a phone. But that fast dual-core CPU uses battery. So after much research and reading, I UNDER-clocked my phone. (Yes the phone HAS to be rooted to do this, as far as I know, I may be wrong) I use "SetCPU", which is available in the store. I set up "profiles" in SetCPU to under-clock, using less CPU, which in turn uses less battery. If my screen is on, it only uses 1000 MHZ, rather than 1200. If my screen is off, and the phone is not being used, it uses only 300 MHZ. If I turn the screen on to use the phone, it automatically kicks on to use the 1000 MHZ I have it set for. And as the battery drains, it uses even less CPU and battery when the battery level gets to 80%, 60%, 40%, and 20%. Essentially, the more the battery drains, the less CPU it uses. The only noticeable difference in performance is when the phone gets to 20% and it's using minimal CPU, it's just a tad bit slower.

But there are other things you can do to keep the battery from draining too fast, and get the most out of it.

REMEMBER, these are things I did in MY phone, everyone uses their phone differently, and everyone has different preferences. If you are watching movies and Youtube videos all day long, your battery is going to drain a little quicker no matter what. :p

These are things I did to save battery:

1) I turn off all Wifi, and GPS, and "Location Services" ... if I need it, I turn it on. If an app requires it, it will tell you, and give you the option to turn it on. I leave it off until I need it ... otherwise, it drains battery.

2) I have 95 apps that I downloaded in my phone. NONE of those apps "auto update" ... if I get a notification for "Updates Available", I do it when I am ready.

3) I keep the screen brightness down, roughly 25% of the brightest level.

4) I turn off notifications on everything. News, weather, and anything else that sends a notification for anything, uses battery to do so.

5) My screen turns off after 1 minute of inactivity. If I set the phone down, it "sleeps" after 1 minute.

6) I also "Freeze" all of the bloatware in the phone using Titanium Backup, you can easily find a list of what is safe to freeze with a search of this forum.

Again, everyone uses their phone differently. These are just things I DID on MY phone, and so far I am quite happy with my battery life, as you can see in the screenshot. The screenshot was taken after 24 hours of phone calls, surfing, Facebook, Twitter, texting, and a couple Youtube videos. There was about 6 hours of sleeping in there too.

Now as far as charging the battery, I am sure "FoxKat" or one of our other resident experts on the subject can weigh in on what to do with charging to optimize battery life.

If you do it right, you CAN get good life out of the battery. A phone battery is like a woman, or your teeth. If you don't take care of them, they will leave you. :p
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Interesting read. Nice analogy lol. I also noticed that you're running 3g.. I didn't see if you mentioned that.. but good article :)

Interesting read. Nice analogy lol. I also noticed that you're running 3g.. I didn't see if you mentioned that.. but good article :)


My apartment is the basement of a garage. The walls are solid concrete cinder block, and the ceiling is steel with the concrete floor of the garage above it. I literally live in a bunker. I have to actually go outside to get a 4G signal. If I walk inside and close the door, it goes to 3G. I figure what I have done in setting up the phone compensates for the signal. My front door is my 4G/3G signal toggle LOL :biggrin:
I'd be happy with that battery life, OP. Only problem is, if I had to do all of that to my phone to get that kind of life, I wouldn't be able to enjoy the phone anymore.
Thanks for the write up but for me what is the point of having this device if I have to turn everything off?? It's almost like having a laptop but never opening it when its on battery. I personally want my notifications etc. :p Also I thought it was better for the battery to use Wifi not leaving it off unless of course your not in a wifi area? Interesting article and helpful but to a person who wants to use the phone for all the cool things it can do not so much. I get great battery life with notification on, sync etc so who knows I guess. I don't have ICS and am interested to see how my battery does when I do.
As I said ... "your mileage may vary" ... that's just what I did on MY phone, it's not "recommended" or "required". But everyone who has been posting "my battery has been draining like a sieve" probably have their phone wide open with everything turned on to the max. :)
I know it's a good post just so many people want to to get 20+ hrs AND use it like crazy and its really not possible. Your info is very informative. :)
I know it's a good post just so many people want to to get 20+ hrs AND use it like crazy and its really not possible. Your info is very informative. :)

Oh trust me I use it ... except when I'm asleep. But turning off anything that isn't "necessary" will save some battery. Alot of people like getting things like notifications, etc. So it's a trade off. :)
I ended up getting a little over 32 hours of battery life on that cycle before it got to 15% ... then I turned it off and charged it to 100%. I'm happy with my battery life so far. :biggrin:
Holy crap !! 32 hours on a RAZR Maxx is amazing. My friend has the Maxx and gets about 25 hours of battery if he's lucky. I used your guide on my RAZR running the 6.16.211 OTA/Leak and I get about 23 hours of battery life -- which is all not that bad compared to my hand warmer (Galaxy Nexus) which only lasts 13 hours ;)
I have a stupid question(Yes there are stupid question :p) My display is using about 90% of my battey, android system is 4% and android os is 2%. Nothing else is listed. So my question is, is my display so high ONLY because nothing else is running at the moment and when more things start running it will go down? Or is there something I should do to change it? I can change the brightness but I can't seem to find how to disable screen animation.
Holy crap !! 32 hours on a RAZR Maxx is amazing. My friend has the Maxx and gets about 25 hours of battery if he's lucky. I used your guide on my RAZR running the 6.16.211 OTA/Leak and I get about 23 hours of battery life -- which is all not that bad compared to my hand warmer (Galaxy Nexus) which only lasts 13 hours ;)

It took alot of reading and research, and it took a while to set it up, but if I continue to get that kind of battery life it will be well worth the time and effort. I want my phone to last. It still does the same thing with all that stuff turned off, it just does it when I want it to LOL :)
I have a stupid question(Yes there are stupid question :p) My display is using about 90% of my battey, android system is 4% and android os is 2%. Nothing else is listed. So my question is, is my display so high ONLY because nothing else is running at the moment and when more things start running it will go down? Or is there something I should do to change it? I can change the brightness but I can't seem to find how to disable screen animation.

I'll try to explain it the way I read it. Let's say your phone has been on for an hour, and your display has been on for a half hour of that. Your display will show as 50%, since the display has been on for half of the time the phone has been on. The more you are using the phone, the higher the display percentage is going to be. If your phone is only on and being used for 15 minutes out of an hour, the percentage will be much lower. That's how I saw it explained. :)
It took alot of reading and research, and it took a while to set it up, but if I continue to get that kind of battery life it will be well worth the time and effort. I want my phone to last. It still does the same thing with all that stuff turned off, it just does it when I want it to LOL :)

Well that's the magic of a RAZR Maxx ;-) I know for a fact that if I turn on WiFi instead of 4G/3G on my phone then I get at least 2 more hours of extra battery life. I know that this isn't any iPhone 4S but it's still worth it. Well thank you MattyP for your great tutorial - - hope it helps others as much as it helped me ;-)
Well that's the magic of a RAZR Maxx ;-) I know for a fact that if I turn on WiFi instead of 4G/3G on my phone then I get at least 2 more hours of extra battery life. I know that this isn't any iPhone 4S but it's still worth it. Well thank you MattyP for your great tutorial - - hope it helps others as much as it helped me ;-)

Have 3 Razrs (2 Maxxs) and one Samsung Galaxy and an iPhone 4s in my house. IMO, wouldn't trade my Maxx for BOTH the Samsung and the iPhone.
My oldest was aching to get the iPhone and I won't rain on his parade BUT I can see it in his eyes now he has it - was a mistake.