Having read a metric ton of your posts regarding batteries, charging, and the like, I am doing a test on my new Razr Maxx.
The phone is only a couple weeks old. Rooted and tethered less than an hour out of the box. After about a week, I used Matt's Utility to upgrade to ICS, and just yesterday I upgraded to the .214 Kernel leak that he put out. My battery life has been fantastic so far, and on your advice, I did the obligatory 100% - 15% battery drain and then powered off and charged it to full overnight.
I use a battery widget on my home screen called "Gauge Battery Widget" ... it looks like a fuel gauge. The app recently added (in beta) 1% increment changes, as opposed to the 10% increments that the phone shows on battery drain. It "seems" relatively accurate, because it will show from 99% down to about 92% before the phone shows 90%. Plus, I like the look of it LOL :biggrin:
I use SetCPU with profiles to conserve battery as well. I have the Maxx UNDER-clocked, it only uses max CPU if it's on charge. As the battery gets to different levels, it uses even less CPU, and when the screen is off (sleeping) it only uses 300 MHZ maximum.
I have begun the test by taking it off the charger at full, and for the first two hours it was off the charger I have not touched the phone or turned the screen on. It was damn difficult too LOL The phone still shows 100% after 2 hours, and the Gauge Battery Widget shows 98% ... now I will surf and make some phone calls and text messages and see how much it drops.
Gonna test this puppy out and see what kind of battery life it gets on a charge. Almost all of my research and studying has been YOUR posts ... I may also have questions along the way LOL :biggrin:
The phone is only a couple weeks old. Rooted and tethered less than an hour out of the box. After about a week, I used Matt's Utility to upgrade to ICS, and just yesterday I upgraded to the .214 Kernel leak that he put out. My battery life has been fantastic so far, and on your advice, I did the obligatory 100% - 15% battery drain and then powered off and charged it to full overnight.
I use a battery widget on my home screen called "Gauge Battery Widget" ... it looks like a fuel gauge. The app recently added (in beta) 1% increment changes, as opposed to the 10% increments that the phone shows on battery drain. It "seems" relatively accurate, because it will show from 99% down to about 92% before the phone shows 90%. Plus, I like the look of it LOL :biggrin:
I use SetCPU with profiles to conserve battery as well. I have the Maxx UNDER-clocked, it only uses max CPU if it's on charge. As the battery gets to different levels, it uses even less CPU, and when the screen is off (sleeping) it only uses 300 MHZ maximum.
I have begun the test by taking it off the charger at full, and for the first two hours it was off the charger I have not touched the phone or turned the screen on. It was damn difficult too LOL The phone still shows 100% after 2 hours, and the Gauge Battery Widget shows 98% ... now I will surf and make some phone calls and text messages and see how much it drops.
Gonna test this puppy out and see what kind of battery life it gets on a charge. Almost all of my research and studying has been YOUR posts ... I may also have questions along the way LOL :biggrin: