How many actually got the OTA?

I just got my update yesterday.

Not sure it is such a big deal. Would have really love spell check for the slide out keyboard.

The Easter Bunny also brought the update to the wife's droid this morning...

All system information on hers is identical to my "forced update" droid. Also, Google Earth does not show up in the market on her OTA phone. It did and is presently installed on my "forced update" phone however it no longer shows up in the market on my phone so I guess I won't be deleting it anytime soon. Hmmmm....

I found a link to the HTC keyboard app and am really liking it much more than the stock droid soft keyboard.
Rooted. Running DroidMod 1.0. Just received OTA. Thought it was blocked by the mod I am running. Apparently not. I am ignoring the update each time it pops up.

I have yet to get the update. does it just show up in the list of updates where your apps are or is there something else I should be looking for.
I got it

I got it sometime between ten last night and seven this morning. Yayy!! I'm in Chicago.
I got mine last night but it didn't show it i had to go into settings and and check to see if i had it and I did
The Easter Bunny brought mine this morning as well. :icon_ banana:

I was getting really impatient, but now I just get to check it out...:reddroid: