5.8.894 update rocks

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Silver Member
Nov 30, 2011
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I just updated to 5.8.894 an it is incredible the camera is flawless and the data so far has not even hiccuped. The battery life is twice as long as the 5.7.893 i have been on performance mode for battery setting for the last 6 hours an still have 80%. Every bug that has been mentioned with the bionic has been fixed with this update as far as i can tell i am still going over it with a fine tooth comb. The downside to this update is u have to be bare bones stock to apply it if u have installed any of the leaked updates the update will fail. I have the update on my sdcard lol i just dont know how to upload it if anyone has any ideas let me know so i can get it out there. For everyone that applied any updated an now the new update will fail when u try to install it. Restore it completely to stock unroot it an make up a story for verizon to get a factory replacement lol. A simple data loss issue will get u a new one ;-) but make it sound convincing oh an ask for over night shipping cuz lol its free with factory replacements. I wish the best of luck for all the droid bionics out there.(update as of 4:30 am pacific time) -> i just confirmed that root is retained after 5.8.894 update i am now rocking a droid bionic root an updated with the soak test ota if any one out there wants the soak test ota here is a link for it ( http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?9nc2z8se54pcept ) u must be barebone stock to apply it if u have applied any ota update from 5.5.893-5.7.893 the update will fail fxz flash backs to stock will not work.
Sorry about that i was kinda running out the door when made that post ill fix real quick
Be nice when more ppl start getting it, sick of waiting for an ota update!

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I just updated to 5.8.894 an it is incredible the camera is flawless and the data so far has not even hicupped. The battery life is twice as long as the 5.7.893 i have been on performance mode for battery setting for the last 6 hours an still have 80%. Every bug that has been mentioned with the bionic has been fixed with this update as far as i can tell i am still going over it with a fine tooth comb. The downside to this update is u have to be bare bones stock to apply it if u have installed any of the leaked updates the update will fail. I have the update on my sdcard lol i just dont know how to upload it if anyone has any ideas let me know so i can get it out there. For everyone that applied any updated an now the new update will fail when u try to install it. Restore it completely to stock unroot it an make up a story for verizon to get a factory replacement lol. A simple data loss issue will get u a new one ;-) but make it sound convincing oh an ask for over night shipping cuz lol its free with factory replacements. I wish the best of luck for all the droid bionics out there.

R u part of the soaktest? Did the ota push? Did u loose root? Is this the cheesecake bs or the soak? I need my root and wifi tether or is there. Usb or wifi hack that root isnt needed for?

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This is a cheesecake update not ota an i honestly believe its the soak test cuz they made it so if u installed any leaked ota updates it would fail which would limit the amount of people that could get the update since everyone an there neighbor is cheesecaking thus making it a guine soak test with a select few of testers i unfortuanetly was a dumba** an forgot to forever root before applying the update so i personally dont know if root was retained but there is another person that posted stating root was retain but i can find out easily i just have to revert back to 5.5.886 an forever root then reapply the update since my phone was originally barebones stock
This is a cheesecake update not ota an i honestly believe its the soak test cuz they made it so if u installed any leaked ota updates it would fail which would limit the amount of people that could get the update since everyone an there neighbor is cheesecaking thus making it a guine soak test with a select few of testers i unfortuanetly was a dumba** an forgot to forever root before applying the update so i personally dont know if root was retained but there is another person that posted stating root was retain but i can find out easily i just have to revert back to 5.5.886 an forever root then reapply the update since my phone was originally barebones stock

So im in a good position being stock and one click rooted..but i still need to forever root? Is that something i should do? And do i have to unroot and forever root? So lost with all the diff versions around

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So im in a good position being stock and one click rooted..but i still need to forever root? Is that something i should do? And do i have to unroot and forever root? So lost with all the diff versions around

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If ur completely barebone stock an have not applied any leaked ota updates then yes u can update yes u would have to forever root also. I unfortunately forgot to forever root prior to updating (just was a little to excited an forgot x-D ) so i do not know if root will be reatined an not blocked. I also cant verify it right now cuz i am currently away from my comp i honestly believe root will be retained cuz some one else on this forum has done the update an has retained root i also believe the 5.7.894 update was to kill the the cheesecakers an since this update requires u to be barebone stock theres no need to patch root since all the cheesecakers have applied the leaked updtes an now cant install 5.8.894 because of that an if u want the update google (5.8.894 out in the wild) an it will bring up the forum thread an a couple post down a guy post a link to download it
i just ordered my Bionic and should receive it tomorrow. who is working this 5.8.894 update? i've read that there are some issues, but this phone has potential and there is an update in the works that will fix all or most of these issues. is this the update. i really dont't want to root unless i have too, but i want this phone to work as advertised. should i wait for the official OTA? or is this update my best bet. Thanks.
i just ordered my Bionic and should receive it tomorrow. who is working this 5.8.894 update? i've read that there are some issues, but this phone has potential and there is an update in the works that will fix all or most of these issues. is this the update. i really dont't want to root unless i have too, but i want this phone to work as advertised. should i wait for the official OTA? or is this update my best bet. Thanks.

Trust me when i tell you gooooood things r in store for bionic users. The ota is sounding awesome.. we got overclocking.. 2nd init... and i heard a certain someone of sbf fame is about to come out with a work around so we get all the good things and accessibility that the dx has.. ( oc. Cm7/9.. ics before official drops) stay tuned :)

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I honestly believe its the best route cuz i am running 5.8.894 an i also have run 5.5.893, 5.6.893, 5.7.893xtr, 5.7.893 and if ur running stock which is 5.5.886 the 5.8.894 update will make ur bionic run 100x better plus ur batter will last 4x longer an u will not have any dat drops the downside is the is. 50/50 chance it will take u off the upgrade path even though its a soak test version which means u wont be able to get the official one an even if it does just call up verizon an tell them ur having a data issue an they will replace the phone with a new one an even if they patch u through to tech support just fake that there is a data issue an they will still send u a new one then download the offical one but like i said theres a 50/50 chance but lol thats whats so great about the one year warranty just make sure ur unrooted when u send it back ;-)
i have posted a link at the beginning of the thread for the 5.8.894 soak test ota
I honestly believe its the best route cuz i am running 5.8.894 an i also have run 5.5.893, 5.6.893, 5.7.893.....)

How did you do that? You can't get from any of the previous versions to 894 currently.
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