What phone were you using previously?


New Member
I have a Treo winmo...it sucked so bad. The good thing about it though...I threw it at a wall one night (while talking to someone) and it just stuck into the wall...the person was still talking and the phone was un-harmed lol

I am sure my Droid would break...haha


^^^^I've wanted to do that soooooo many times!
Once I get my DROID Incredible maybe I will, I just have to make sure my sister doesn't want her old phone back.
Came from a company provided Motorola Q or as I refered to it as the Iron Duke (similar to the GM engine) that thing went through hell and back and never quit.
Well past its time, I think I am going to have it bronzed.


Phone I had right before this Droid was an HTC Hero, but I only had that about 6 months before I finally gave up on Sprint. Had a BB Curve before that and a Palm Centro. Although the Hero is an android phone, this Droid blows it out of the water.
I had an env. My husband upgraded to a storm, hated it, so we swapped. I also hated the storm so we sold it and I got a motorola something. It was purple and a flip. Good enough for just a phone. When we dumped the internet and cable I went back to my original env while hubbs upgraded to an env3. Now it was early upgrade time for me and I got a moto droid. We activated a new line for my niece, gave her the env3, and ny husband got the Dinc. Something about this doesn't add up! Lol


Because I'm bored:

November 09 I signed another 1 yr contract, got my BB Storm (Had a Moto Q previously)


11/09 - 01/10: BB Storm (Got rid of it because I lost my job)
1/10 - 3/10: Alias I bought of CG
3/10-4/10: BB Storm again, my brother broke his phone so I gave him my Alias so I can have my BB back
4/10-6/10: Env2 I bought off CG
Current: Moto Droid


New Member
Got tired of my wife reminding me that she got my Touch Pro 2 when I upgraded...so now she's got the TP2 and I've got the droid.


New Member
I just kicked my BB Storm to the curb for a Motorola Droid. There are some things I'm missing from the storm like the txt entry and clicking screen BUT, I don't miss the fact that I was having some many problems with the Storm crashing. I don't miss having to remove the battery every day to reboot it if my storm didn't crash and reboot on it's own. I guess Verizon got sick of me calling every week and cursing the phone that they let me upgrade early.


Silver Member
Was it a smartphone, if not its the dumbphone category. If it was a smartphone, what OS was it running? It would be under the OS category.