Picking a new droid


Apr 20, 2010
Reaction score
So I've brought my droid (the original droid) in for the 2nd time now to best buy. The first time it was having weird glitches because of the sliding and the headphone jack was shorted out like most.
This time my entire touchscreen went out so I couldn't unlock my phone. I'm assuming they can't fix that so I am trying to figure out what the best phone on the market is now.

I'm looking for something that can be rooted preferably but I'm not sure what else.

What do you suggest?
it's all about you, what you want?

but i had my Droid X for about 4 weeks now, and i'm very, VERY happy with it
all i'm waitin on right now is the UD Rom to drop for the Droid X...
Well you could say, "the droid x battery doesn't last long" or "the droid 2's keyboard is flaky" or things like that. I just haven't researched any of the new devices and am trying to get one I'll be happy with.

Good to hear the droid X is fun. I'm trying to decide if I want a keyboard or not. How is typing with just the touchscreen on the droid x?
Droid 2 is good if you have they physical keyboard preference. Had it a week and no issues even with overclocking and stock rom minus some vzw crap.
The one annoyance I have with the droid 2 is that the question mark is a function key now, unlike the droid 1.
If you're into a phys keyboard I would say go for the d2. My fingers fly accross the keys.

Sent from my DROID2 using DroidForums App
I loved my physical keyboard, but if I could do without (not sure if I could) I'd love to get a bigger phone like the droid x.
as a noob i don't know much and am probably pointing out the obvious here, but the droid X's keyboard looks to be pretty big, so if you are okay with the landscape on-screen keyboard on the droid (i'm even getting good at it and i've only had the phone for 3 days and use mainly the physical keyboard), then i'd imagine the droid x keyboard to be even easier to use accurately. it definitely looks nice from videos i've watched of it.

edit: i'd try it out at the store to get a verdict :biggrin:
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The x has the bigger screen and hdmi. The 2 has the keyboard. The rest is mostly the same to my understanding...
The x has the bigger screen and hdmi. The 2 has the keyboard. The rest is mostly the same to my understanding...

ohh i forgot about the hdmi on the X...that makes it an even harder decision.