My first insurance phone... no fun


Although it's nice to have all of the contact back it's no fun getting all of the apps back on and setting it up the way my old baby was.

well after a day of fiddling everything is on except swype.
i was a beta tester and now it won't let me put it back on.

has anyone else had this problem getting a new phone?

The error i get is during the swype login stage of the installation where i believe swpye can tell it's a new phone and read something like,
"the phone and ID do not match our records"


Titanium backup works pretty well to back up and restore apps, call log, app data, etc... I recommend that in the future.

As far as swipe is concerned, you're prob SOL since the beta registration is closed... the reason you're getting that error is because the app checks your unique device ID against their registration DB... when you got a new phone... you got a new device ID. You may try emailing them to get them to change your record... who knows?


Silver Member
Although it's nice to have all of the contact back it's no fun getting all of the apps back on and setting it up the way my old baby was.

well after a day of fiddling everything is on except swype.
i was a beta tester and now it won't let me put it back on.

has anyone else had this problem getting a new phone?

The error i get is during the swype login stage of the installation where i believe swpye can tell it's a new phone and read something like,
"the phone and ID do not match our records"

If you send an email to Swype, they'll allow you to download the beta software again. (Since you were part of the beta test.) Just give them the same email you used when you signed up for the beta.