ICS this week?


New Member
Checked when I woke up this morning and it was finally there! It's been fun waiting with you all, now to go try this Ice Cream Sandwich! dancedroid dancedroid dancedroid
I wokd up at 330 and did a manual pull and seen it was there. I was getting really sick and tired of hunting down that ice cream truck. I could hear the music in the distance but never could find him. Its going to take a little getting use to but its sweet so far.


New Member
Got mine this morning also in New York, finally! Had to remove my corporate e-mail account, reboot phone, then add the account back. That fixed it and it is now syncing correctly. Anyone with corporate e-mail should check to confirm it is working. Sending was fine but receiving via push sync did not work until I did the above.

Does anyone know what happened to the combined messaging icon?


Like a lot of people, I was able to manually pull the update this morning. Love the Moto ICS UI compared to the Samsung ICS UI on my Galaxy Tab 2. Having a bit of trouble getting Beautiful Widgets to play nice. But that's no biggie.