Dont Sing it - BRING IT!


Silver Member
Some ppl live by Hulu....Flash is their best friend right now. I went to Hulu just to see what the hype was. It wasnt half bad. I might start going there myself.


I have the froyo rom and hulu won't work on my phone... says it doesn't support my platform... Youtube and espn work fine though, although a somewhat slow in performance.

I want flash. However, I want it to have good performance.


Official DF Vendor
Premium Member
Remember this is the CADILLAC of iphones... the NEXT GEN.. the END ALL BE ALL.... y'all do remember that right...? front facing camera... done already... 3.5 inch screen still.. really? And that 326ppi which your eyes can't even register some of the coolers..COOL!!! oh yeah and HD video WOW!!

By the end of the year this will be a middle of the pack phone especially with Moorestown moving fast!!! good job apple.. the Samsung Galaxy S will demolish it on ATT.

It's just a rivalry to me... Bama vs auburn... Android is Bama of course LMAO!! I get into it with my iphone buddies all the time and everytime I shut them up with my STOCK Droid they start yellin just wait til OS4... okay it's here and it's definitely NOT a game changer... seems like more of an update to keep it in the superphone category! it's sexy as hell tho... but so were a lot of chicks i didn't get around to sleeping with in college...
Steve Jobs at todays Keynote..... "any suggestions?"

Someone in the crowd..... "VERIZON!!"

No response... he ignored it



New Member
Their Video Chat feature will be wifi only til 2011. What a big announcement...At least with android you can choose between Multiple phones on multiple carriers most likely if skype is not going to be verizon exclusive, as long as they have a front facing camera which will most likely be standard on future android devices. You don't have to be stuck with one..boring device.

Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk


the new phone is impressive. the new software is really impressive. it's great now that apple and android are chasing each other. i can't wait to see what we get next. watching the advertising video apple is going to come out of the box with better multi tasking than we have. hopefully that will be fixed with the update at the end of the year.

people that just hate on apple and say they put out bad products are ridiculous. if it wasn't for at&t i would have never gone to android. now that i have i would never go back to the iphone even if it went to verizon. soon all the phones will be about level always pushing each other and copying each other. to me it's going to be a choice between open and closed. i'll never give money to closed ever again.

i think this is also proof that there will never be a such thing as an iphone killer. at the same time there will never be an android killer. i'll be honest though, watching the videos makes me a little jealous over the iphone os. the video chat looks great, but of course wifi only. big suprise. sexy phone though.


Not sure how you define "better multitasking".

Switching between apps is basically the same. Linux/Unix based. Apps just save their state when you switch out and then resume from that state when you switch in.

Background services are a lot more controlled on "iOS 4". There's only 7 services that devs have access to. On Android you can pretty much create your own service. It's 7 vs infinity.

I didn't see anything new with the OS that was outstanding in any way. It's a closed system and hence will slowly catch up to what other open systems have done all along. Apple does that to ensure things run how they want. Up to the user to decide which method is better, if either.