With all the issues the Galaxy Nexus is having, why is it being proclaimed the best?

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Can you, or anyone who understands these device, please explain to me the likelihood of an OTA correcting the weak signal issue? And also the possibility of the low volume through the speaker being corrected through an OTA?

I love my Nexus but I am losing confidence in it because I havent heard a solid commitment from Google or Samsung saying that they were about to release an OTA to correct these issues on their FLAGSHIP device. I was very confident initially because this is a Google phone and would be tuned up constantly.

But, since I have not heard anything official stating these issues could and would be addressed, combined with the fact that I am not sure signal strength issues, and speaker volume are not in fact hardware issues instead of software issues are causing me to lose confidence as the Jan 15th date approaches.

I very much like my Nexus, other than the weak signal and weak speaker. I am not going to be saddled with a phone that lags behind my Incredible in these regards, for 2 full years, and at Tier 1 device pricing.

I am giving it one more week, hoping that Google/Samsung commit to fixing these issues. Otherwise, I will assume that their silence indicates that the problems are hardware related, and they are hoping to string us along until the 15th passes, and then they just move along to their next device, knowing that we are stuck with a full priced, but compromised device.

Does anyone know without question that the weak signal and poor speaker can be fixed via OTA?

Considering the volume issue(which all don't have) is improved by using volume + app I'd have to say yeah, it's an easy software tweak.

Radio software is just as important as the hardware itself.

There are still those of us with zero signal/data issues, so that alone says it's not a hardware defect, unless only some of the phone's hardware is defective and not others.

If the phone doesn't work for you by the 15th I say return it. I still imagine those with issues will see dramatic improvements once Google starts releasing updates, it's still a brand new OS, the Rezound and Razr will have similar issues once they receive ICS and it isn't optimized.
I hope this turns out not to be the case, because this phone could be amazing. But, if they cant fix it, basically next week, I will likely end up with a Rezound.

I felt the same way as you. I was agonizing over returning the Nexus because I liked it so much. However, now that I have the Rezound, I wouldn't trade it for a fully functioning Nexus.

I think the Nexus was over-hyped and the Rezound was under-hyped. As far as I'm concerned, the Rezound is built with better components, all around. It runs better and is just an all around better experience, even with Sense.
I felt the same way as you. I was agonizing over returning the Nexus because I liked it so much. However, now that I have the Rezound, I wouldn't trade it for a fully functioning Nexus.

I think the Nexus was over-hyped and the Rezound was under-hyped. As far as I'm concerned, the Rezound is built with better components, all around. It runs better and is just an all around better experience, even with Sense.

So what happens when the Rezound get's ICS with sense on top and it runs into software issues? Switch back?

Once ICS is optimized and rolls out on all capable phones then you can compare them.

The Nexus will have had ICS running on it for 4-6 months before it's seen on another device, that's going to make a difference.
Pretty much all there is to it. For some the camera will be more than enough. I didn't like the camera, even though I was learning to live with it. The signal/data issues were more significant, and the reason why I returned the phone.

What is mind boggling though, is why a much older device made by the same manufacturer has a much better camera, the Galaxy SII? I just don't get it.
Exactly how I feel when I think about it. This could've been the device that would've put Samsung at the top, at least in my book, and they held back. I don't know why they didn't put the same camera found in the SGII in the Nexus. Especially now, considering how much emphasis people put into camera quality on their phones now. Now the camera is just an extra for me, but some such as yourself Cardona, expect better (which you have every right too, in this situation). It is what it is though. The camera exceeds my expectations, but knowing the same manufacturer put a better camera in their older devices sure is puzzling and indeed irks me a bit.
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So what happens when the Rezound get's ICS with sense on top and it runs into software issues? Switch back?

Once ICS is optimized and rolls out on all capable phones then you can compare them.

The Nexus will have had ICS running on it for 4-6 months before it's seen on another device, that's going to make a difference.

You're assuming the problems plaguing the Nexus are software related. Given Samsung's record and it's habit of using inferior components, I question your logic.
You're assuming the problems plaguing the Nexus are software related. Given Samsung's record and it's habit of using inferior components, I question your logic.

So it's not okay for me to assume it's software related based on the fact that the majority of users don't have the issues, but it's okay for you to assume it's hardware related based on their past?

So it's not okay for me to assume it's software related based on the fact that the majority of users don't have the issues, but it's okay for you to assume it's hardware related based on their past?


The fact that Samsung chose to put a 5MP camera into a top-tier phone should be cause for concern. It's obvious that they were skimping on costs.
Considering the volume issue(which all don't have) is improved by using volume + app I'd have to say yeah, it's an easy software tweak.

Radio software is just as important as the hardware itself.

There are still those of us with zero signal/data issues, so that alone says it's not a hardware defect, unless only some of the phone's hardware is defective and not others.

If the phone doesn't work for you by the 15th I say return it. I still imagine those with issues will see dramatic improvements once Google starts releasing updates, it's still a brand new OS, the Rezound and Razr will have similar issues once they receive ICS and it isn't optimized.

Yeah, I tried Volume+, other than giving me a bunch of options to mess with the volume controls it made zero difference in the volume level.

I am not a hater, I like the Nexus. Read my earlier posts, I was defending it, assuming Google would fix things. Their silence on the matter is turning me away from it. I paid too much and committed for too long to have what may turn into a mediocre device. Especially for someone like me, who may never root.

I think the phone never had a chance to live up to the unrealistic hype the internet built around it, but glaring deficiencies like a less than stellar signal, and sub par speaker have no place in a tier 1 device.

If they fix it, I will keep because most aspects of the phone are very impressive, but the signal, speaker, and even the camera have left me less than blown away after a couple weeks use.
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The fact that Samsung chose to put a 5MP camera into a top-tier phone should be cause for concern. It's obvious that they were skimping on costs.

Check the picture thread, you'll see it's very capable of taking great photos: http://www.droidforums.net/forum/ga...79-photos-taken-your-galaxy-nexus-thread.html

Megapixels have nothing to do with picture quality: The Megapixel Myth

Yeah, I tried Volume+, other than giving me a bunch of options to mess with the volume controls. But made zero difference in the volume level.

I am not a hater, I like the Nexus. Read my earlier posts, I was defending it, assuming Google would fix things. Their silence on the matter is turning me away from it. I paid too much and committed for too long to have what may turn into a mediocre device. Especially for someone like me, who may never root.

I think the phone never had a chance to live up to the unrealistic hype the internet built around it, but glaring deficiencies like a less than stellar signal, and sub par speaker have no place in a tier 1 device.

If they fix it, I will keep because most aspects of the phone are very impressive, but the signal, speaker, and even the camera have left me less than blown away after a couple weeks use.

You have to set volume+ to +7 or above, which requires the pay version. It works, check the thread about it here.

My signal right now in my house:

View attachment 45516

As I said, not everyone's having these issues, therefore I can't accept that it's hardware related. If it is, then they just have poor quality control and all of the people who have issues actually have faulty devices.
I don't know why its hard for people to understand that megapixels don't automatically mean good pictures. The Droid X had an 8 megapixel camera and its picture quality is much worse than the Nexus' picture quality. Its fine if the Rezound has a better camera than the Nexus, but to base camera quality on its megapixels is just silly.
Only issue I have with my nexus is eye strain and tired fingers....I can't put it down. To me that's more important than anything else.

As if we don't get enough hate from iPhone fans.....HTC and moto fans are joining the bandwagon. Makes me like my phone even more.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
I don't know why its hard for people to understand that megapixels don't automatically mean good pictures. The Droid X had an 8 megapixel camera and its picture quality is much worse than the Nexus' picture quality. Its fine if the Rezound has a better camera than the Nexus, but to base camera quality on its megapixels is just silly.

Not sure to whom you are referring, but I hope its not me. I dont equate MP to quality. Especially if the images arent going to be blown up.

I was optimistic when Samsung released a 5mp camera. I was hopeful this indicated that they were focusing on sensor quality and not MP's.

Also, I dont need the best camera on a phone available but to actually regress from other, older devices, does seem to be indicative of corners being cut. This contributes to my long term concerns for the device, though.
The fact that Samsung chose to put a 5MP camera into a top-tier phone should be cause for concern. It's obvious that they were skimping on costs.

Nope not "directed" at you hydro, more so this post. Not to mention that the poster completely neglected to respond to the assumption question that Liderc had responded to/asked...
Nope not "directed" at you hydro, more so this post. Not to mention that the poster completely neglected to respond to the assumption question that Liderc had responded to/asked...

Ahh, gotcha.

As for my feelings overall on this device, I have no desire to knock it or bash it. It is a brand new phone and a whole new OS, anyone not expecting a few bugs was just over optimistic. If I were convinced all the problems were software, I would never drop the GNex, I like it. But, if it appears to be hardware, which I am starting to really think may be the case (mostly because nobody is talking about fixing it with an OTA) I am going to have to swap.

ETA- All the phone bashing is irritating, and pointless. I dont understand it, pretty much every GNex user is in a position to swap it, so, it is not as if they are stuck with it.
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