Galaxy nexus 3G data drop problems?

Don't get the nexus! I'm always loosing phone and data signal. You will regret it! I have learned to live with it but would not recommend buying one.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
Already did. Standing next to a friend with an IPhone 4S on Verizon with great signal and no drops

try comparing it to a motorola bugonic like i did. my GN is a dream, much better signal.

the problem is vzw's exchange server. notice there's complaints of lost signal on EVERY vzw LTE phone that's hit the market? some more than others-that's the inconsistent nature of exchange server problems. don't listen to internet forum nonsense, most people have literally no clue why their phone is dropping signal. :D
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try comparing it to a motorola bugonic like i did. my GN is a dream, much better signal.

the problem is vzw's exchange server. notice there's complaints of lost signal on EVERY vzw LTE phone that's hit the market? some more than others-that's the inconsistent nature of exchange server problems. don't listen to internet forum nonsense, most people have literally no clue why their phone is dropping signal. :D

Constant is the exchange server....variable is the phones. We all have different phones that react differently.

And I hear the Bionic is a better phone with its latest update.....much like some say the G Nex can and will be....with its latest update.

Care to explain how I can have a Rezound and RAZR side by side and the Rezound is stuck in 1X while the RAZR is on 4G in a weak reception area? Thats at the exact same time...Rezound needed to be rebooted. Any data issues with my RAZR needed a toggle or wait it out to fix. My experiences with the RAZR, G Nex and Rezound mirror almost to a tee this article:

This Is Why Your Verizon Galaxy Nexus (Or Other 4G LTE VZW Phone) Is Losing Its Data Connection

Specifically this section:

The severity of the problem can depend on your device.
Some devices are more likely to re-attempt authentication immediately, and ten or fifteen seconds later, you're good to go. Some won't - and have to be forced to re-authenticate by switching in and out of airplane mode. Some won't even respond to that, and have to be powered on and off. Our speculation in regards to the varying severity is that it more than likely depends on how aggressive the phone's battery conservation software is. If a device loses connection, it may think it's in a "fringe" coverage zone and stop attempting to reconnect to the network to avoid wasting battery. It could also be that the device's software is just poorly written to deal with such regular failed attempts to get network authentication.

Only issue I had with my G Nex is it just wasnt as strong in weak areas as the other 2. When I first got my RAZR, I had to toggle data and/or airplane mode to get it back. Now my RAZR would lose data and get it back a few seconds later. Very rarely does it needs to be toggled. My Rezound needed reboots, always. it could get 4G in weak areas....when it wasnt getting stuck in 1x. And it got stuck in 1x constantly. I mention the Rezound and RAZR cuz they both dont have that rules that out.

Care to explain how out of all 3 my RAZR was the least annoying, had the least amount if data issues?
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I guess that section of that article also explains why software patches can sometimes help...

sent from my phone
^ I forgot to add this...

When I had the G Nex....4.0.3 radios made 3G better for me, but not 4G. Some ppl are reporting 4G is better on 4.0.4 radios. So software can help. What I do know is having more than one phone for a few weeks side by side can or should make things a lil clearer with everything that going on right now.

The network isnt the blame for everything.
Constant is the exchange server....variable is the phones. We all have different phones that react differently.

And I hear the Bionic is a better phone with its latest update.....much like some say the G Nex can and will be....with its latest update.

Care to explain how I can have a Rezound and RAZR side by side and the Rezound is stuck in 1X while the RAZR is on 4G in a weak reception area? Thats at the exact same time...Rezound needed to be rebooted. Any data issues with my RAZR needed a toggle or wait it out to fix. My experiences with the RAZR, G Nex and Rezound mirror almost to a tee this article:

This Is Why Your Verizon Galaxy Nexus (Or Other 4G LTE VZW Phone) Is Losing Its Data Connection

Specifically this section:

Only issue I had with my G Nex is it just wasnt as strong in weak areas as the other 2. When I first got my RAZR, I had to toggle data and/or airplane mode to get it back. Now my RAZR would lose data and get it back a few seconds later. Very rarely does it needs to be toggled. My Rezound needed reboots, always. it could get 4G in weak areas....when it wasnt getting stuck in 1x. And it got stuck in 1x constantly. I mention the Rezound and RAZR cuz they both dont have that rules that out.

Care to explain how out of all 3 my RAZR was the least annoying, had the least amount if data issues?


(and i still have my bionic-you heard wrong about that too :D )
This Is Why Your Verizon Galaxy Nexus (Or Other 4G LTE VZW Phone) Is Losing Its Data Connection

Specifically this section:

The severity of the problem can depend on your device.Some devices are more likely to re-attempt authentication immediately, and ten or fifteen seconds later, you're good to go. Some won't - and have to be forced to re-authenticate by switching in and out of airplane mode. Some won't even respond to that, and have to be powered on and off. Our speculation in regards to the varying severity is that it more than likely depends on how aggressive the phone's battery conservation software is. If a device loses connection, it may think it's in a "fringe" coverage zone and stop attempting to reconnect to the network to avoid wasting battery. It could also be that the device's software is just poorly written to deal with such regular failed attempts to get network authentication.

Only issue I had with my G Nex is it just wasnt as strong in weak areas as the other 2. When I first got my RAZR, I had to toggle data and/or airplane mode to get it back. Now my RAZR would lose data and get it back a few seconds later. Very rarely does it needs to be toggled. My Rezound needed reboots, always. it could get 4G in weak areas....when it wasnt getting stuck in 1x. And it got stuck in 1x constantly. I mention the Rezound and RAZR cuz they both dont have that rules that out.

I think the Android Police explanation can be taken even a step further. It states that there can be a sizable difference in how signal/data is handled between devices/manufacturers; i.e. - Galaxy Nexus, RAZR, Rezound, etc... Based on everything I've read, and my own experience, I believe there can also be a significant difference between individual phones and how they handle signal/data within the same device.

Case and point: I've had my GNex since launch day and it has never had one issue with dropping or maintaining signal or data, be it 3G or 4G. It has never dropped a call and the data handoffs are always instant and unnoticed. I have, however, witnessed first hand a friends GNex act completely the opposite. Constantly dropping data, especially 4G, rocky 3G-4G handoffs with downtime each time, dropped calls, etc. During one hour and a half stretch it dropped data 11 times. Needless to say he ended up exchanging it and now has a good one.

It's strange; if I hadn't witnessed it myself I'd have had a hard time believing that there could be that big a difference between the same brand/model phone, on the same network, in the same geographic area. I truly do think that in addition to differences between manufacturers that there are also both good/bad phones within each manufacturer/brand. Throw on top of that VZW's issues with their exchange server and, unfortunately, that only makes it that much harder to diagnose where the true problems lie.
^I agree. I'm typing this from my RAZR. Just got a new Rezound thru insurance 2 days ago, first got stolen.

In another thread I said I want gonna mention this until a few weeks with the new Rezound....but already I'm back on my RAZR...cuz my Rezound is sitting on no data...not even 1x...have them both with my as I type this.

Quality control needs to be alot better with all these phones.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using DroidForums
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