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To buy a Droid X or wait for the next wave of new phones?


I am using my original Droid and while it has been a great phone I really want to get something new. I was going to buy the Droid X but I am not sure if I should wait for the next wave of phones or not. I know you guys probably love your Droid X's but is there anything that would stop you from buying the phone if you had to do it all over again?
I don't have an x but I will say if you think you can wait till january, that's when ces happens and you will see some great phones getting announced/released around then. If you can hold off that long then you can weigh your options and choose to buy an x after seeing what else is offered.

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I think you should wait. I too have been wanting a new phone, but its so close to when the big guns will be coming out that theres no point in settling. If you get an X now, itll be cool and all, but you're def going to be kicking yourself when all the bad ass phones come out in the beginning of the new year, and your brand new phone is old news after a month.
By the time the next wave of new phones gets here and you open it up, they will already be talking about other new phones. What will you do then?

At some point you got to either make a move or just constantly sit on the sidelines watching.
I'm in the same boat, Ive bee waiting for the ever eluding mecha to be announced but as of right now since August I'm still holdi ng out for something better then what's already out
I maybe in minority, but I chose the X precisely because it's already been out for a bit. To me a phone is not just a processor or a screen. It's a combination of a form factor, signal strength, sound, features, bugs, and update pathway. Even with the OG Droid I waited until the reviews were in and the bugs were known. I bought my X on Nov 11, so I'm still within the returnable window, but after running Rubix 1.9.0 on it and realizing that it has the combination of all factors I need, I intend to keep it. Yes, other phones are coming up, but to me a KNOWN stellar battery life, very large development community, great screen, diversity antennas, etc. is exactly why I'll stick with the X. Also, as more and more phones are released, I expect the development community to become more diluted, as there will be more phones that developers can choose to work on. Also, as we saw with the X and Incredible, if you wait past the first day or two (until the user reviews are in), there may be no stock available and then you're screwed for a few months.
I think the question is does X fit what you need or not. There will always be a (perfect and magical) unknown around the corner. To me, after spending close to a month with X, the answer was a yes.
Just my two cents.
Honestly depends on the shape your 1 is in. That thing can overclock like a mofo, has a ton of support, ton of roms etc... Lots of ppl I know and lots of ppl on here with the D1 see no reason to upgrade since it is still better than most phones out now.

With that said, the X is awesome. If you really don't like your D1 there is no reason not to get it. Even with a 2 year contract you won't be missing much since it will take at least that long for LTE 4G to be available in most places.

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I actually love my Droid 1 with the exception of the Camera and Video camera, I think they are sub par. I never used the slide out keyboard once and the phone is in prestine condition. I did have a problem with dust under the screen and I was sent another Droid by verizon that was in terrible shape compared to mine. It looked fine on the outside and it had no dust under the screen but you could tell the phone was really used a lot, the slide out screen was worn and would barely stay closed. I ended up sending that phone back and kept my original phone, at least I knew who owned it originally and knew it was kept in perfect condition.

I have a guy that is going to buy my Droid so I can upgrade and really not come out of pocket to much where if I wait then my Droid will probably be like the 10 other phones that weren't worth anything and sit in a box up in my attic.
there was a motorola coupon code around here for 60% off. I used it to buy a bunch of stuff. You could in theory buy the X with that coupon if its still going on. Then you would be getting it around the promotional price anyway. Without having to use an upgrade
I laugh at the people who were waiting to upgrade because they though the Iphone was coming to Verizon like 8 months ago. They are still waiting, and im still laughing.

I was in the same boat. People kept telling me to wait until the new wave of droids come out, 4g comes out, blah blah blah. I had the money and the upgrade to get the Droid X when it first came out, but i waited months afterwards because i never think its a good idea to buy something the very first day it comes out. Let the kinks get worked out and then you can decide if its a good phone or not. Same thing with 4g. Im not waiting around for that. I love Verizon, but they do a wonderful job of pushing back deadlines...
Agree, people seem to think that, come December, Verizon is going to hit some switch and the 4G LTE network will just turn on nation wide. Its going to be like how Sprint and TMobile's 4G is right now. Limited to the big metropolitan areas and slowly spreading out as time goes on. I upgraded last month and I can upgrade every year since I am the primary line so I'm not worried about getting left behind. Besides, when the locked bootloader on the X finally gets cracked we'll be able to really crank the processor speeds up to stay current for a long time. Case in point, the D1 can go up to 1.1GHZ IIRC with a custom kernel which is faster than the DX and D2 come stock.
Wait for the new phones. I had a Droid 1 and it was arguably better than my Droid X. The lack of true ROMs is really disappointing and the screen size is too big. BLUR sucks. I used to get constant 3g coverage on my one hour drive to work with my D1, but my DX only has me at 3g about 70% of the time on that same drive. But it is fast and the battery life is good.. its just not an enthusiast phone.

And Scotty, I don't think the bootloader will ever get cracked. Is there anyone saying it is? The Milestone (I think?) has had a locked bootloader for a while now and still hasn't been cracked to my knowledge.
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I would buy the X. By time your contract is up again there will be decent 4g coverage & nice phones to go with it. There will always be something newer.

Sent from my DROIDX using DroidForums App
Wait for the new phones. I had a Droid 1 and it was arguably better than my Droid X. The lack of true ROMs is really disappointing and the screen size is too big. BLUR sucks. I used to get constant 3g coverage on my one hour drive to work with my D1, but my DX only has me at 3g about 70% of the time on that same drive. But it is fast and the battery life is good.. its just not an enthusiast phone.

And Scotty, I don't think the bootloader will ever get cracked. Is there anyone saying it is? The Milestone (I think?) has had a locked bootloader for a while now and still hasn't been cracked to my knowledge.

Last I heard TBH was getting close to cracking the bootloader but you never know. I have not had any coverage issues at all with my DX but I do live right in the middle of NJ which is between NYC and Philly so there are towers all over the place. I'm also running the TBH 2.3.320 leak which apparently cranks up the phone's radio so that could be it too. I love the huge screen, great for GPS or watching movies etc... Plus that makes for a gigantic touch screen keyboard that I can acutally type on without fat fingering. As for true ROMs, what do you define as a true ROM? There are lots of blurless roms out there for the DX with more coming weekly as well as blur/aosp mixes like Apex which I'm running now. Some Blur stuff is actually really good once the bloat from all the other junk on the phone is taken off. My phone is well over 100% faster than stock out of the box Froyo and that is not exaggerating. Even the deodexed/zip aligned tooled up Blur roms like Rubix Blurry and DarkSlide Blurry are quite quick.

Again, if someone is waiting for 4G to upgrade, they're going to likely be waiting for what would amount to another contract period for it to really get going unless they live in one of the select areas to get it at launch.

I'm not trying to make a case for either phone, if someone is happy with the D1 and not too overly impressed with any of the new phones then there is no reason to upgrade, however if someone sees a phone they really really like and are due for the upgrade then there really is no reason to wait .