So Who's Actually Happy with their TB?

U couldn't find a rom for ur droid?? Did u try chevyno1's ss roms?
I've ran his since I got my droid
Sent from my Droid using DroidForums

I went from Bugless Beast, to Sapphire, back to stock images, and Cyanogen. Sapphire seemed to be the most stable. Cyanogen was by far the worst and sapped a ridiculous amount of battery life from my Droid without being all that fast to start with...which surprised me because I always though that Cyanogen was the standard by which all other roms were compared to or built off of. I didn't try any of Chevy's roms although I certainly heard about them.

The biggest problem for me were the crippling home screen redraws. They would take anywhere from 10 seconds to over a minute, and would happen pretty much anytime I used a slightly memory-intensive app.
Mine is great no problems occasional gps and data but not often.

Sent from my ADR6400L using DroidForums
So far I'm enjoying my TB. Ive had the D1 and D2 then sampled the iPhone for a bit so I've had different experiences. I rooted both of my Droid and jailbroke my iphone. As of yet I haven't rooted my TB as I'm satisfied with it as is, for now. I purchased the extended battery so no complaints on battery life.

And the Thunder rolled
It is really an awesome phone no issues whatsoever. I use the hotspot feature and simultaneously talk every morning.
sent via ThunderBolt
Is the extended battery bulky on it? Or the same size just more juice?

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I got the Thunderbolt on 4-19. It was replaced 0ne week later because of video playback volume(before it was determined to be software problem). Had reboot problem, then it would shut down. When FD reset did not help, recieved a replacement. Installed update on replacement and did FD reset before setting up phone. Have gone 5 days with no problems, and good battery life. Fingers crossed.
Well I came from a Droid X that was rooted with darkslide on it and when I got the thunderbolt I was kinda wishin I hadn't...didn't seem like a drastic improvement over the X...then after the OTA I started having 10 to 15 reboots a day so I was even madder. But then I said screw my warranty and rooted and tried a few different ROMs and finally settled on BAMF 1.6.3 remixed...this is what I was expecting out of the box but now I love my bolt and wouldn't trade it for nothin, at least till another Android phone comes out on Verizon that I really like...probably at least a year out though.

Oh and rooting was a little sketchy through ADB but after changing some commands a bit I got her done.

Sent from a phone with a kickstand
Is the extended battery bulky on it? Or the same size just more juice?

Sent from my DROIDX using DroidForums

The extended battery from Verizon is a little bulky but easy to get used to and well worth it. I have almost 2 1/2 days normal use out of it.

And the Thunder rolled
I love mine! :)

I'm an iPhone convert (hints the user name), and have no idea why it took me so long to come over to the Droid OS...

After reading an ungodly amount of reviews, watching comparison videos, and playing with a coworkers TB, I was sold. Ordered it online and received it last week, and I'm in love with it! The battery life issue hasn't been too much of a hassle with me; I always have a charger near by, so when I'm not using the phone, it's typically charging. When I'm on the go, I'm usually to busy to really play with the phone too much anyhow. So far I haven't had it do the random restarts yet that I hear people are getting either.

My only wish is that there was 4G coverage in my area :p but Verizon tech service said it should be active near the end of this year.

All in all, this phone makes me glad to toss my Apple device:icon_ banana:
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I've been around these forums for a few months and see a lot of TB issues that seem to be driving owners nuts.

How many of you are actually HAPPY with your Thunderbolt and wouldn't trade it for the world? (At least until you can upgrade next....)

My wait for the Bionic is getting thin and everytime I see a TB....Iw ant one, but then I remember some things that I read here.

My cell phone is my ONLY phone, so if the reboot issue isn't resolved, there's no way I could get a TB...

But I still want one!

I laugh every time I see someone say "until they fix the reboots I can't use it". It doesn't constantly reboot, if at all. Just get one and stop blessing.

Sent from my ADR6400L using DroidForums
This is by far the most amazing phone Ive ever had and believe me, IVE HAD A LOT, it is completely stupid to generalize all of them saying that tbolt because ONE owner with ONE model failed on him/her...there will be good models and defective ones, that's what always happen! the hardware, software, everything is great, and if you root it, it will completely exceed your expectations..HTC rocks and the TB rocks even more!
oh and I almost forgot, you have to understand that you are receiving around 15 megs download IN A PHONE, battery wont be too friendly about it, the better the gas it will burn faster, just get an extended battery and problems will be solved or just download PHONE INFO app and select 3g when you're not surfing the net and battery will last FOR A LONG TIME.
ADW & Launcher Pro both address that. But yeah, memory was the biggest reason to retire my D1. Didn't like having to decide which apps to remove so I could try something else, & apps2sd was never really ready for primetime. I fired up my D1 once after I got my X, and market froze because I had too many apps.

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