Official Team D1-MIUI-10.29-V6.X Release

I haven't touched the rom since Friday, but I'm pretty sure Jamezelle is working on the Milestone port. It's anyones guess as to whether or not we'll get a working rom out before the next MIUI release. We might have to wait until they get the framework "finalized".
damn. i really love the theme on the milestone port. oh well, thanks for the update M1!

here's another cool little thing to keep me going. it's just a miui-themed version of fancy widget. not as awesome as miui music but still kind of neat.


1. download the .apk
2. copy or move from the sd card to /system/app folder
3. change permissions to rw-r--r-- using root explorer
4. reboot phone.

got it from... [MIUI Theme] SuaveHD v11.19+ - xda-developers

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That is the hope. Many new features. Lockscreen music, calendar Widgets. Folder app sorting, folder in dock bar, many more.

Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
Sorry for a noob question. I just lost my angry birds shortcut this morning after I rebooted the phone. I put it on the dockbar after installation. I check the app, it's still installed. Is there anyway I can get the shortcut back?

I'm going to move to DX Monday, but I really love this rom, is there any plan to port MIUI to DX?
I think 10.29 is sittin pretty good. An update to this version might confuse people waiting for the newest release.
BTW mO, thanks for being around the forum giving us updates. I don't think any other ROM has the dev involved as much in daily conversion. I really appreciate that and is one of the main reasons I keep coming back.
I have been following MIUI for a while and love what Metickone has done and appreciate all the hard work and contributions from his team, however I am a newb so how do i install a kernel? Where do i find the kernel, i have tried ones from ROM manager and failed. I am too new at this to get it to work. I love the MIUI Rom but wont use it unless I can OC my D1 in conjunction. Help?