Team D1-MIUI Proudly Presents D1-MIUI-0.10.29-V0.7
Special thanks to n_i_x, mobiousdigital, jetrii & MarkHUK over at XDA for all the work they've done on MIUI.
Special thanks to n_i_x, mobiousdigital, jetrii & MarkHUK over at XDA for all the work they've done on MIUI.
Please read this whole post before downloading and flashing!!!!!!!!
Changelog: Changelog - d1-miui - Project Hosting on Google Code
Issue Tracker: Issues - d1-miui - Project Hosting on Google Code
If you don't fully fill out the issue tracker form the issue will be deleted or marked invalid.
If you are willing to help post responses to the issue tracker. I only check it every couple days. This is not my full time job.
Changelog: Changelog - d1-miui - Project Hosting on Google Code
Issue Tracker: Issues - d1-miui - Project Hosting on Google Code
If you don't fully fill out the issue tracker form the issue will be deleted or marked invalid.
If you are willing to help post responses to the issue tracker. I only check it every couple days. This is not my full time job.
Visit page 170 on the thread for discussions related to V0.7
Languages: - Korean, Chinese (Mandrin) and Japanese + limited support for others... Flash over the full rom, May need to be updated
More Coming Soon....
Dev Apps - - Re-adds most of the apps I removed, that can be considered luxury apps. (Puts Carhome and CarhomeLauncher back in system) (Puts popular Google apps in system)
Transparent Lockscreen slider: (Credit to Jimbo42o)
MORE COMING SOON... Something you want? Make a request!
ChevyNo1: Index of /froyo/kernels3
Slayer: and updated version that works with other roms... Index of /DL/LFY/KERNELS
JDLFG: jdlfg kernels v.32.2.5 NEW - CyanogenMod Forum
More Coming Soon...
[Theme] Blue Steel for Team D1 MIUI By Davros
(release) inspired theme ported to MIUI By RoLa, ported by Sneaky Zekey
This is a 99.99% fully functional ROM and the only problems that remain are:
Sliding open the keypad will unlock the phone. If this is an issue change your lockscreen options to Pin/Password or don't use this rom and put your droid in your pocket while wearing jeans or girl pants. We will look in to disabling this feature/bug.
You cannot record 720p video. No droid rom does this. This was built for the n1/desire.
Dialing *228 will force close the phone. Dial *228+ instead. It works the same.
What is not included:
Downloadable apps including but not limited to Maps, Facebook, Twiiter, Street....
Apps that weren't initially included with MIUI - News/Weather App, WiredTether, Wireless Tether.....
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