New Droid X Owner


Nov 13, 2009
Reaction score
Alright I have finally left my beloved Motorola Droid 1 and decided to buy a Droid X off of ebay to tide me over until all of the dual and quad core phones start coming.

Now my question is about rooting. Now i know the X is locked down by moto so i guess my question is, since its locked what can you all do when rooted? overclock/underclock? roms/themes?

You can do all of those things just not to the same degree the d1 allowed since no new kernels can be flashed

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You can do all of those things just not to the same degree the d1 allowed since no new kernels can be flashed

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This may be a stupid question but if you technically can do all of the above things on the x, than whats different about doing it on the D1? Sorry, i never paid much attention to other phones while i had the D1...
Well I am getting in over my head so I will forewarn you lol but without the ability of swapping kernels the overclocking/undervolting can not be done near to the same degree. Roms can be made but to my knowledge they cant do all that could be done with unlocked bootloader for instance as of now there is no stable gingerbread rom blackdroid was able to get one to boot once but because of what moto has done it is crippling what our awesome devs could be doing don't get me wrong the work they are doing is fanf***ingtastic but if they weren't hindered so much my head would explode with what would be possible lol as for themes they are pretty much unhindered to my knowledge

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Alright I have finally left my beloved Motorola Droid 1 and decided to buy a Droid X off of ebay to tide me over until all of the dual and quad core phones start coming.

Now my question is about rooting. Now i know the X is locked down by moto so i guess my question is, since its locked what can you all do when rooted? overclock/underclock? roms/themes?

trust me your going to hate it eventually
i use to love my droid x(it replaced my droid under warranty coverage) but now i hate it with a passion
blur is slow(and it keeps getting slower esp with 3.4.2 update)
but as far as root featues go you can flash semi aosp roms and you can overclock and underclock using some market apps
My biggest suggestion would be to replace the Blur launcher. I highly suggest Launcher Pro or ADW. In my experience the custom ROMs for the X just add instability, my device also seems to run warmer with custom ROMs. The custom ROM scene is not as good as the Droid 1 that is for sure.
What jonecat said ^^^

I bought LauncherPro but tried ADW and haven't gone back due to the theming ability in ADW. Most of the other Blur elements can be replaced by apps as well.
Alright so what is the easiest way to root for someone who is not familiar with rooting the Droid x but is with OG?

Alright so what is the easiest way to root for someone who is not familiar with rooting the Droid x but is with OG?


Search for a thread called "Where to find z4Root". There is a link within the first couple posts that will take you to z4Root in XDA. It will also explain everything you need to know about rooting the X. Once you root, I recommend flashing the Rubix 2.0 ROM. I've flashed a few different ROMs and Rubix has been super smooth. The built in overclock/undervolt is a bonus.

Let us know if you need any info.

Focused 2.0 DroidX