I just got an X this week after a disaster with the LG Vortex. Not really knocking the vortex, it is what it is. I needed a phone for my daughter quickly and was online at the Verizon site when a sales rep came on and chatted with me. I don't have extra cash right now and told her the only way I could add the line right now was a free phone. That phone would need to have Froyo and support Flash at a minimum. The rep "researched" and told me that the Vortex met those specs. I had a Droid 1 and never use the physical keyboard anymore, so I wanted something without one and the Vortex seemed like the right fit. Normally, I would have researched prior to purchase, but there were constraints on time due to my daughter coming to visit.
I get the phone and find out it does not meet my needs after my daughter has left with my Droid(sigh!)... I called Verizon and was told I could return the phone of course, but would have to buy a different phone(remember the no money thing!).
I had other minor issues and called for support again a few days later. The first tech tried to swap phones again for me after hearing the situation, but could not do anything. She put me over to tech support for another usability issue I was having and after going through everything that tech asked some further questions about the situation and I think realized the situation was genuine and I really was not just trying to game a new phone. I would have lived had I NOT asked the questions I did, but my relying upon a Verizon tech that gave me poor information is not my fault. I have spec'd phones for health care company execs and know what to ask. He came up with a Droid X for me at no cost due to the situation. Even got the extended battery with it!
So far, I love the phone. I can't imagine anything meeting my needs better.