Google's own wireless carrier


Regular Member
Rescue Squad
Dec 23, 2009
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Many of us hardcore android fans have been wanting to see a Google led wireless carrier. Well based on a story posted by The Verge, Google may launch a StraightTalk like wireless carrier feeding off of both Sprint and T-Mobile's towers. This could be Google trying to encourage a change in the current cost for wireless service. Do you see Google really being able to have an influence in the wireless industry (especially given they are struggling getting their high speed fiber optic services in select cities)?
Given the incredible level of cell signal I get from T-Mo and Sprint (read: none) I officially say...

...meh. But that's just me.


Agree, unless Google knows something about wireless tech that none of the others know (which I doubt) it may be hard to convince customers who are on a reliable Verizon or AT&T network to switch. Especially now AT&T added rollover data. But then again maybe that is not their customer base. If you are looking to sell nexus phones that are $300 off contract (ala Nexus 5) the customer base they are going after are those who are looking for a more affordable wireless plan.
I think that Google has the resources to launch a decent provider if they chose to..I'm not sure a piggy back type set up will do what I hope they want to do.. If that makes sense...
Sign me up. ;)

Many of us hardcore android fans have been wanting to see a Google led wireless carrier. Well based on a story posted by The Verge, Google may launch a StraightTalk like wireless carrier feeding off of both Sprint and T-Mobile's towers. This could be Google trying to encourage a change in the current cost for wireless service. Do you see Google really being able to have an influence in the wireless industry (especially given they are struggling getting their high speed fiber optic services in select cities)?
I think Google's intent is to become the world's number 1 high speed wireless provider.
They have partnered with Facebook to bring a new high speed underwater cable to Asia.
They have what seems to be a very successful high speed wireless satellite/balloon system that serves rural Australia.
Google wants to provide wireless service to everyone worldwide at a reasonable cost.
Here in Thailand, we have excellent service. My unlimited LTE service costs $25. a month.
Once their infrastructure is in place, coupled with their Nexus device offerings Google is in a good position to challenge VZW and ATT and drive down enduser costs.
Any new provider added to the 4opoly we have now is good news. ATT and VZW will do everything in their powers to kill this, both through buying legislaters/legislation and sabotage. I agree with the poster above-Google intends to become #1, and they have to fiscal power to do it.
I like half of the idea. I was interested until I saw they were piggybacking.
they will give you more storage on google drive then here come subscription packages...
As others have touched on, if they're piggy-backing on those networks, they're of no use to me, but I hope that this is just a way for them to get a foot in the door before building up their own network.

At the same time, the conspiracy theorist in me wonders if Google providing inexpensive network access isn't just a part of their grand scheme to know everything about everyone and sell that info to advertisers, or at least sell ads based on that data that they collect.

All our data are belong to Google.

However, as I've said in numerous other posts, I'm going to see ads throughout my day anyway. If Google knowing my interests means those ads will actually be for things that interest me, I don't see that as such a bad thing.
I dunno I think we may be dismissing this too quickly! I mean think about it... isnt this basically a work around for Sprint trying to buy T-Mobile? Basically if they can make their phones use Both Networks with the Two different sim card Cell Tech.... They have basically combined both T Mobile and Sprint that gets around all of the FCC Red tape Monopoly bull Poop! Its the best of both worlds. AND... Those Google customers will effectively have the same bandwidth that the Gruesome Twosome Have THUS..... Becoming a Monster competitor.... And finally bringing VZW and AT&T to the table for making their services more affordable. I dunno Maybe!!!

Then again maybe its just wishful thinking.... but it seems like a possibility to me.
I was going to say basically the same thing. Are others here saying that T-Mobile and Sprint combined can't give VZW or AT&T a run for OUR money???
Perhaps though.. They can use this as a stepping stone.. Get a feel or general sense of what direction to go.. Then jump off.. Or buy out and build up...
Meh, in New England, Sprint, T-Mobile, and any GSM carrier is just unreliable, unfortunately.


Wait, t-mobile is GSM and sprint is CDMA; google would use two different cell antenna technologies? Guess we'll need more dual-antennae phones.