Girlfriend keeps looking through my phone!

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Get out now! Sounds like she is a CONTRL FREAK!! I KNOW CAUSE I MARRIED ONE!

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My wife and I respect and trust each others privacy, her phone and computer is her business and my phone and computer is my business - trust is very important in a relationship as almost everything else is based on it :wink:
Same here! However, if I was this OP I would lock my phone. You do have a right to privacy. If you need some BS excuse just tell her you lock it to protect you in case the phone gets lost or stolen.
Here is a crazy solution....lock your phone!!!!!

If she is snooping, she'll bring it up and ask you why you lock your phone. Guilty right there.

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Yeah it's from the last guy... Found out he was cheating on her by looking through his phone. Guess she thinks its gonna happen again.

Send texts to yourself about what a great girl you have, and how it is so awesome that she trusts you.
Here's the solution, lock your phone. When/if she confronts you tell her its not her business to be snooping through your phone without your permission. Let her get mad. She is your GIRLFRIEND she has no business looking through your stuff. Put your foot down. If she wants to look through your phone and you don't mind then unlock it for her and hand it to her. Your phone your terms. Problem solved : )

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Use the rom miui it has a guest mode it hides all your messages and phone calls

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CK has it right. Tell her if wants to snoop, just ask. Then you can unlock it for her and she can deal with the discomfort of being open about it, while you prove you have nothing to hide.

sent from my Incredible Andriod phone using DroidForums App.
Or maybe she's the type that likes to see how far she can press your buttons.

Makes no sense why she keeps doing it and you know she does it but yet say nothing about it.

What's wrong with just asking her why she does it and if the excuse isn't up to par then i suggest you find another girlfriend who isn't insecure.
All good advice given so far.... but he let it get to this point because he is so greatful that he has a g/f that he'll allow it and she knows it.

I had an ex wife who...all of a sudden, started snooping and would get mad if I locked something down. Turns out, she was the one cheating. This was mentioned earlier. She wanted justification for her infidelity.

Even if she's not...time to move on. But you won't

Sent from my Droid 2 while driving.
I'd let her know that it's not ok to snoop, period. I realize that we all bring baggage from past relationships, but she can't turn that into an excuse to intrude on your privacy. Either she trusts you or she doesn't. If she can't hang w/ that, I'd let her go. Bet you weren't planning on this turning into a relationship advice thread were you? ;)
All good advice given so far.... but he let it get to this point because he is so greatful that he has a g/f that he'll allow it and she knows it.

I had an ex wife who...all of a sudden, started snooping and would get mad if I locked something down. Turns out, she was the one cheating. This was mentioned earlier. She wanted justification for her infidelity.

Even if she's not...time to move on. But you won't

Sent from my Droid 2 while driving.

You can also long press home and a menu will come up of your most recent apps that were opened

Sent from my Sourcery using DroidForums App
On a serious note, no software will solve this problem. I would encourage her to talk to you and, if need be, talk to a counsellor. I'm married almost 23 years and we see a counsellor every now and then. No shame in that. All the best!

I have an original motorola droid. I keep the phone "unlocked" without a screenlock password. I know she keeps taking my phone and looking through it by all the fingerprints on the screen after I've wiped it clean. Want to call her out and catch her and prove to her she's doing it. Is there an app or anything that could track times that apps have been opened or anything that could be solid proof she's looking through it? If I lock the screen, then I get accused of hiding something. I leave it unlocked cause I have nothing to hide. Really don't even care that she's looking through it, the problem is that she will deny it all the time... Any help or suggestions?

LOL I say get a new girl or stop doing things that make her think she needs to check it lol. Use your memory, easier to call her out on it. Know what apps were used last and hold the home button down and it pulls up the last used apps.
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