I have had a Samsung Galaxy Nexus since January, and really like it. Especially like Android 4.0 and how smoothly it runs. Like pretty much everything about my Nexus, except the camera. It is a pretty big disappointment, usable, but not up to par with the rest of the phone. I take a lot of pictures at the gun range, etc, and that is important to me.
At any rate, now that the Rezound can be had for $50, I picked one up. My wife has been eligible for an upgrade for about a year, but doesnt care too much about phones. I used her upgrade, and the Rezound came today. I am going to transfer her number to my Nexus than activate the Rezound with my number. Going to try it for a few weeks to get a real good comparison to my Nexus then decide which to keep.
I know the camera is superior on the Rezound, but what else do you Rezound owners think I should focus on to make me think I should keep the HTC over the Samsung?
I know the Galaxy is bloat free, and the Rezound is not, but I am not sure how much this really slows the Rezound down in practical terms, but I will be paying attention.
Also, prior to January I had an HTC Incredible for a long time and that was an awesome device. Still going strong for my 8 and 10 year old daughters as a game and music player. So, I already have an affinity for the HTC line, hopefully the rezound will continue that.
Just thought I would throw this out so you guys could point to the best parts of the Rezound as compared to the SGN. I really like my SGN, but am very much looking forward to doing an unbiased (since I have both devices, there wont be the question of someone promoting something they just committed to for 2 years) comparison over the next few weeks.
At any rate, now that the Rezound can be had for $50, I picked one up. My wife has been eligible for an upgrade for about a year, but doesnt care too much about phones. I used her upgrade, and the Rezound came today. I am going to transfer her number to my Nexus than activate the Rezound with my number. Going to try it for a few weeks to get a real good comparison to my Nexus then decide which to keep.
I know the camera is superior on the Rezound, but what else do you Rezound owners think I should focus on to make me think I should keep the HTC over the Samsung?
I know the Galaxy is bloat free, and the Rezound is not, but I am not sure how much this really slows the Rezound down in practical terms, but I will be paying attention.
Also, prior to January I had an HTC Incredible for a long time and that was an awesome device. Still going strong for my 8 and 10 year old daughters as a game and music player. So, I already have an affinity for the HTC line, hopefully the rezound will continue that.
Just thought I would throw this out so you guys could point to the best parts of the Rezound as compared to the SGN. I really like my SGN, but am very much looking forward to doing an unbiased (since I have both devices, there wont be the question of someone promoting something they just committed to for 2 years) comparison over the next few weeks.