Let me start by saying that I have had my time with all the big 3 Verizon phones. I started with the Gnex and the Razr 32gig went to my lady. My Gnex was buggy as the rumors are ALL true. But then again her Razr ear piece speaker and hand set literally quit working and she could only use the phone if set to speaker. We returned both phones and we both ran the Rezound for a full 2 weeks. I just returned mine, she loves the Rezound and had no problems keeping it. I decided to give the Razr Maxx a try for myself and I was wondering what to look for or expect as far as bugs go with this phone. Im not sure about even upgrading at this point, what's going on with the " best android phones on the market"? If foxfi didn't matter so much to me and I was an HTC Sense guy, I would have dealt with the only bug in the phone where the clock randomly becomes an hour early, oh and the GPS doesn't really lock on well.