New Member
Like the title says I'm a Gnex user with some problems with the Gnex. I've had the phone for almost a week and already I've lose 3G signal trying to make a call, reception is bad at work where my iPhone 4 had 2-3 bars, it's rebooted on me twice, camera is awful, speaker is crap. So if you take away ICS this phone is a dud in my opinion.
I've looked at the Rezound but the only downfall is the sound distortion on video recording playbacks (why record 1080 video when theres going to be scratching sound throughout the video) and the battery isn't as good. So I'm asking the Razr community to answer some questions.
1. How is the speaker volume for ringtones and notifications. I'm deaf in my left ear so this is a must. I had the Droid X and that speaker was horrid. I missed a lot of calls because of it being too soft and quite.
2. Battery life. Whats the average life everyone has gotten with their Razr's. I've heard its better than the Nexus but not by much. I won't be using 4G a lot but will watch YouTube videos often and browse here and there. Text messages quite a bit though.
3. Noise Cancelation. My Droid X and iPhone 4 had great noise cancelation and I'm hoping that that carries over to the Razr.
4. Camera. Hows the camera? I know if you want to take good pictures to carry a digital camera but honestly I carry my phone with me more than a camera
5. Notification light. Does it work 100% of the time and can you change the light for certain notifications like missed calls, email, texts, etc. This isn't a big concern for me but I was just currious.
I've looked at the Rezound but the only downfall is the sound distortion on video recording playbacks (why record 1080 video when theres going to be scratching sound throughout the video) and the battery isn't as good. So I'm asking the Razr community to answer some questions.
1. How is the speaker volume for ringtones and notifications. I'm deaf in my left ear so this is a must. I had the Droid X and that speaker was horrid. I missed a lot of calls because of it being too soft and quite.
2. Battery life. Whats the average life everyone has gotten with their Razr's. I've heard its better than the Nexus but not by much. I won't be using 4G a lot but will watch YouTube videos often and browse here and there. Text messages quite a bit though.
3. Noise Cancelation. My Droid X and iPhone 4 had great noise cancelation and I'm hoping that that carries over to the Razr.
4. Camera. Hows the camera? I know if you want to take good pictures to carry a digital camera but honestly I carry my phone with me more than a camera
5. Notification light. Does it work 100% of the time and can you change the light for certain notifications like missed calls, email, texts, etc. This isn't a big concern for me but I was just currious.