Wet Droid with a happy ending (so far)


New Member
Jul 24, 2010
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OK I did, or rather my husband did save my motorola droid thanks to you all and few other sites. I dropped it in a toilet (I had just cleaned toilet).

Pulled battery instantly racing down the stairs screaming for help like I was trying to rescue a dying person. We dumped it in rice (next time wrap in old stocking before then). Then he got dessicant from local craft store. I put droid in tube sock and winged in in circles until fresh socks weren't wet.
Placed on tray in sealed tub of dessicant (silica crystals). Remember to have devices in something to keep the crystals from getting in it, old stocking is porous enough. Left it 24 hours. Made sure no sign of dampness or fog. Fired it up.

Worked (both the battery and the unit water damage tags were changed so it was soaked).

It's been a week today. So it does work.