Update version 2.2 for Galaxy S - Fascinate

Samsung definately makes some nice hardware, but so does HTC, Motorola, LG, -cough-cough- Apple, etc. I got the Fascinate because I kept blowing the external speaker on my Incredible. On my 5th trip to Vzw they offered me the Fascinate or Droid X. Obviously I opted for the Fascinate.

This is my first Samsung phone and as of now it will be my last. I will be going back to HTC next month. I have been eyeballing the Thunderbolt because I love HTC phones and the updates seem to be timely and painless.

I'm beginning to think Uncle Sam owns Vzw and Sammy because of all the false promises!

Sent from my SCH-I500 using DroidForums App

Samsung makes good displays, and they make phones with good specs, but they never support anything... sorry you had to learn the hard way...

D1 may have GB before Fascinate has Froyo, that's a pretty sad state.

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I really think their problem is that they are multi-carrier and don't have the clout of Apple. They are at the mercy of the carriers when it comes to preloaded bloatware, and they have to cook up different updates for each carrier because of that...

Nexus S is a Galaxy phone and it runs GB, so maybe you guys can hope that Samsung is just skipping Froyo in favor of a more current, nearly optimized GB!
I have an upgrade in feb = never again samsung

Sent from my SCH-I500 using DroidForums App
LOL! I appreciate the sympathy! It seems that I have had to learn too much through life the hard way.

Sent from my SCH-I500 using DroidForums App
No its because samsung doesn't know how to update there phones. Never again scamscum!

Sent from my SCH-I500 using DroidForums App
When you guys try to update, what does it say? My wife's keeps saying it cannot connect to server. Does anyone have a solution for that? This has been going on for a few weeks.
Samsung already released an open source code for 2.2 for sch-i500. It's now up to vzw to add their bloatware and release it via OTA over VZW network.

U have to be connected to server directly (3G). Turn of wifi and try again

If any of you Twitter, @GalaxySSupport is their official support Twitter account. They keep answering folks' question on 2.2 and the response is the same. They are continuing to test and will release when it is ready. I don't think it us up to VZW at this point, otherwise I think they would have pointed people asking, in VZW's direction. We all know corporations like to direct blame elsewhere.

Here is one response, but if you got to their page Galaxy S support (GalaxySsupport) on Twitter, all the responses are the same:

"Due to the complexity and unique functionality of each Galaxy S device, we are performing additional testing."

"Samsung feels it is important to make the Android 2.2/Froyo upgrade available only after we feel that we can give the millions of U.S. Galaxy S owners a simple and reliable upgrade experience."