Motorola Droid Bionic Release Date?

Pacidermiz X

New Member
Not Tegra?

I have a Zune HD (ha ha- I know, but you ipod people don't get unlimited rentals plus 10 songs to keep a month like my ZunePass). Anyway, the Tegra first gen in the device is amazeing. I am so looking forward to Tegra 2. Did you see NVIDIA's demo @ CES where they played some high end MMORPG On a PC, then the Ps3, then shifted it over to LG's Optimus 2? Ridiculously powerful.
So my dread (I read it somewhere) Is that the dual core processor mentioned is not Tegra, but a Moto proc. Motorola has made electronics since before Super Mario was super. They still do. The reasoning is if it was Tegra 2, then it would be mentioned by name. Brand recognition and all. I might even be convinced to go LG if it was the only Tegra 2 around. Maybe. But Moto would be soooo much better.
Motorola, to me, has a solid history of mobile electronics, comm devices, you know- they have spec sheets on all their equipment on their main site. That's rare for current manufacturer's. Its kind of cool they have the Moto Bionic page up, but for now there is no data in it. What a tease. Support is awesome- do you see an equivilent forum for any one else's gear? I hope the coolness of this site isn't lost on newbie's- we have real VZ & Moto employees allowed to moderate.There are threads for modding, customeizing, ect. No sycophantish stuff. Just enthusiasts and our expensive toys. Way cool people, thank you.

So my longwinded self has to ask: Does anyone have any credible info on the hardware? Particularly the proc? I'm already a little dissapointed there is the same 1/2 Gb RAM my Droid X already sports...


Active Member
As far as I know the only dual core ready is the Tegra 2. Also, Sanjay Jha said that they'd be using Tegra if I remember correctly. Moto doesn't make the processors in their phones. I'm pretty sure it's Tegra man.

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flame....this phone will make the iPhone look like crap.....considering the SD card, the battery, the Adobe flash.....go ahead, say it is just scared....DROID FTW!!!!!!!!!


New Member
flame....this phone will make the iPhone look like crap.....considering the SD card, the battery, the Adobe flash.....go ahead, say it is just scared....DROID FTW!!!!!!!!!

If we have to wait til late April for the Bionic, why not wait just a few more weeks for the Iphone 5?


Senior Member
June would be a complete screw up by VZW. March/April would be the way to go. Otherwise folks like myself, he who wants the best available, will wait to see what the manufacturers will be dropping 2 months later AND generally greater. It's too late of a release date for such a high end piece of equipment. That doesn't mean that it won't be the best available just that 2 months down the road it may not be as opposed to 5 - 6 months if released March/April.


flame....this phone will make the iPhone look like crap.....considering the SD card, the battery, the Adobe flash.....go ahead, say it is just scared....DROID FTW!!!!!!!!!

If we have to wait til late April for the Bionic, why not wait just a few more weeks for the Iphone 5?

iPhone ahahahahahahahahahahaahahaha...if i wanted a crap phone I'd get the original lg chocolate lol
So I guess right now we are looking at 4/21 or 4/28 at the earliest for the Bionic (the blackmanx tweet hinted at around Passover time, which is the end of April), or else early May, or possibly even pushed back to June according to Droid Life!? June will be way too long for me as I've been waiting to upgrade for months and want a new phone asap. I think I'll pass on this and go with the HTC TB in March on a one year contract, then upgrade in 10 months to something yet-unknown that will be even better than the Bionic.


Droid Bionic

This is the first phone I can't wait for since the original Droid. =D I got the Droid in Nov 2009 and it's still going strong. I was kinda looking at the iPhone but then I saw the Bionic and the Thunderbolt. No iPhone for me! I cannot wait for the Bionic! I actually added a line just to get the Droid. LOL That's how hardcore I was about the Droid.


This is the first phone I can't wait for since the original Droid. =D I got the Droid in Nov 2009 and it's still going strong. I was kinda looking at the iPhone but then I saw the Bionic and the Thunderbolt. No iPhone for me! I cannot wait for the Bionic! I actually added a line just to get the Droid. LOL That's how hardcore I was about the Droid.
Same here bro. This will be my first smart phone and I can't wait! I wanted either the Bionic or Thunderbolt and I'm leaning towards the bionic more because of its hardware. Hopefully the dev get a crack on its system and we can have great customize features .


New Member
So my longwinded self has to ask: Does anyone have any credible info on the hardware? Particularly the proc? I'm already a little dissapointed there is the same 1/2 Gb RAM my Droid X already sports...

Rumor is that it will be DDR2 rather than DRAM like todays phones

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