Motorola can't do this to BIONIC USERS!!!!!!

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Exactly, and what if this non removable battery thing becomes a trend with Motorola phones? We already know they don't like us tinkering with the locked bootloader.

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Nice Guy
Premium Member
Doesn't work on my phone. I had a lock up so bad ....twice.....that this done 20 times consecutively didn't work. So.. I just pulled the Then it worked.

If you look at it looks like the "Power + Volume Up/Down" press isn't for recovering from the "Black Screen of Death," but to do a hard reset back to factory specs. That means you have to have the power off before pressing power and volume up/down which you can't do if it's locked up and the buttons aren't working.

It's really too bad you can't pay $200-300 and sign a 2-year contract and if you want to change phones during that time you have the option to do so. You'd take the phone in and sell it back to the carrier for a pro-rated amount. Then you'd pay the balance and leave with a new phone. Maybe when the 2 years are up you'd have paid a lot, or if you keep the original phone you wouldn't, but there would be no penalties like having to pay for cancelling your contract.
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Senior Member
Those with buyer's remorse issues will NEVER be happy playing the smartphone game. There will ALWAYS be something comparable/better right on the horizon.

I'll drop by the Razor, Nexus, and Prime forums 6 or 8 weeks after they're released so I can read complaint and "not fair" posts from those of you that returned your Bionics and bought them. I'll do my best to just lurk, and not gloat and make "I told you so" posts - but it'll be very difficult.

It's not the same at all. Usually it takes months before another phone comes out in the same category, the bionic got replaced in a heart beat. The thunderbolt came out months before and it's still not replaced. From what I see HTC is the only company that takes more time to bring out phones. And doesn't replace them right away. Look at the Droid line, 3 of them plus couple of global. Dx etc.

Nexus phones don't do this either. I think the prime will be a two year phone.


Silver Member
Motorola can't do WHAT exactly? The Bionic, just like the Razr and the Samsung Prime is still a flagship device. Look at the leaked price list on the front page of this site, each device is a $299.99 with 2 year contract device. It isn't like the Bionic suddenly turns into the AMC Pacer of smartphones just because other devices come out. It's called progress. And if you keep waiting for the "latest and greatest" smartphone to come out, you'll never upgrade; or you'll be buying a new device every month. It's just like PC hardware, it's "obsolete" already by the time it comes out; because something more badassed it always coming down the line.


Silver Member
It's not the same at all. Usually it takes months before another phone comes out in the same category, the bionic got replaced in a heart beat. The thunderbolt came out months before and it's still not replaced. From what I see HTC is the only company that takes more time to bring out phones. And doesn't replace them right away. Look at the Droid line, 3 of them plus couple of global. Dx etc.

Nexus phones don't do this either. I think the prime will be a two year phone.

This has more to do with the carrier than the manufacturer. Just because motorola isn't always producing device after device for Verizon doesn't mean they aren't releasing devices for other carriers. Plus, you're looking at it completely wrong, the Bionic is NOT getting replaced, other devices are joining the lineup. The Bionic will appeal to some people who dislike the Razr, for instance a business person who needs to swap batteries during the day.

As for Nexus phones? They are only one device in the manufacturer's lineup. The whole Nexus thing is up to Google. They like to refresh devices everytime a major OS release comes along, it would seem.


Rescue Squad
Rescue Squad
Folks...we waited for this phone for 7~8 months..... and finally we got this phone by paying $300 + tax and some folks even payed more then that for this phone.

Through Commercials and Ads, Verizon and Motorola called this phone One of the BEST PHONE , and yes it is best phone out there for Verizon users.

6 weeks later...... Motorola announced Droid Razr.... now calling this phone BEST PHONE.......

Ok, this is how market works... I do agree , BUT THEY CAN'T DO THIS TO US , THE BIONIC USERS!!!!




Sorry I'm a bad writer, but yes we need to do something about this. this is not fair.

If you would have done your homework you would have known these other phones were coming out this fall. We all have known for months that the Bionic, Razr (Droid HD) and the Nexus were going to be released this fall. Who cares if it's six weeks or six months. I'm also totally shocked that you think the Razr is "that" much better than the Bionic. I would not swap for one with an even trade.

Verizon offered a phone for sale and you bought it. Motorola made no marketing promises to you and neither did Verizon. You even signed a contract. Quit whining. If you don't like the Bionic, sell it. Then buy the Razr. You have buyer's remorse and you want your mistake to be someone else's fault and responsibility. Next time, pay full retail and do not sign a contract. Then you can sell the old (6 week old) phone and buy the next greatest (in your eyes) phone.

This market, smartphones, is changing dramatically and with as many good manufacturers (phones, screen, chips, etc.) as we have and as much OS development as we have, new phones are going to be released at a quicker and quicker pace. Are you going to get po'd every time a new phone comes out a little quicker than you thought they should? Again, I say; "Quit whining".


Active Member
It's not the same at all. Usually it takes months before another phone comes out in the same category, the bionic got replaced in a heart beat.
You're right. This whole Android thing innovates WAY too quickly.

You should definitely buy an iPhone. That way you'll have 12 months of peace of mind before a better phone comes out.

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Active Member
I would agree with this, if it were true to the extent you try to make it sound. Fact of the matter is, out of everyone I know, NO ONE knew what the Bionic was until commercials started popping up. And they definitely did not know that it had been delayed for over half a year. The few I explained it to didn't really care. The RAZR is coming out around the time it was scheduled to. I didn't realize that should make those of us who chose a Bionic take up arms and storm Moto's HQ. Personally, I would have probably waited for the Nexus device if I had the luxury of doing so, but I didn't. And I'm happy with my Bionic and the mod community that is already showing outstanding support for it...

Which is apparently more than I can say for you. Or half the people that create an account here for the purpose of starting one thread to b*tch about things. Do you suggest that Moto pushes back its release date "7-8 months", just so you can feel superior for a bit? If you don't love your phone, take it back. Otherwise, just...quit. The whole onslaught of "Oh Noooooos, I gots a Bionic and it's not the L33T king of the hill!" threads is pathetic. And quite frankly, filling an otherwise great forum with, dare I say it: Bloat. By drowning out important and relevant threads.

Good day. :biggrin:


Senior Member
You're right. This whole Android thing innovates WAY too quickly.

You should definitely buy an iPhone. That way you'll have 12 months of peace of mind before a better phone comes out.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums

No i'm decently happy with my tb. Lol iPhone always comes up..did I mention it?

I'm going for the nexus or rezound but i'm 95% set on the nexus. They've made two phones and both were a big success. I'm not worried about staying updated with phones don't even wanna root it.

I'll contemplate buying a motorola again when they fix their camera. I had two motorolas already.

Nexus phones all have that wow factor. I just hope the battery is decent on it


Even had I not purchased the bionic first, I would still choose it over the razr. Why?, with no way to swap out a battery should you be into a heavy use day, I'd be pretty upset with a powerless superphone in my pocket. Im very happy with my bionic. Its super fast and has very good battery life. Only issue im faced with is the dissapearing app problem when I reboot if the apps are on the SD card so, for now, all 102 of my apps are on my phone memory. So I don't have a problem.

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