Galaxy Nexus VS Droid Rzr?


IMHO, the build quality is great. Better than I saw on my last phone, the D3. I haven't tested its ability to withstand a 3 or 4 foot drop though, if that's what some are concerned about.

My only issue with the Gnex, and its not a big deal at all, is the screen saturation. The screen is beautiful and pen tile is a non issue unless you use a magnifying glass to look at your phone. But some of the colors are a bit of an adjustment for me coming from a long history of Moto phones. Some colors occasionally have a neon-ish tint to them. It just throws me off. Not used to SMOLED screens.

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Here are two posts I made in another thread giving my personal opinion(s) about why the Galaxy Nexus is LIKELY the superior phone. Most of it is from a hardware-oriented perspective, and much of it is theoretical (software updates, etc) but I do believe that I grounded my theories pretty strongly in Facts.

The thread was titled "What makes the Galaxy Nexus so special?", and it is 3pgs long (with "how many pages to view per thread?" set at whatever the maximum is). My posts are #18 and #40, although there IS a discussion following that goes pretty well into the pros and cons of the phone.

Here is post 18

Here is post 40

If those don't work, here is a link to the thread.

Hope those help :)
Well I had the OG Droid which was touted to have some of the best build quality, also made by motorola, and it STILL crapped out on me. Volume rocker broke, power button broke, keyboard keys started falling off, and my digitizer failed. Motorola just makes not very well put together handsets. The galaxy nexus feels solid to me. I know a lot of you will disagree with, but so be it. I can't change your minds. : D


I honestly love this thread and glad many of you are educating us on things that we (At least I do) overlook when speaking on these devices. I've learned quite a bit from this page alone (w/the engineer schooling me) and decision is not getting any easier ( that's a good thing which will appeal to more people to chime in) to make a solid choice..I've owned a few samsungs (smartphone and basic)in my lifetime and I feel the qaulity has been good but battery life was just never there. Motorola (again, smartphone or basic)on the the other has always been solid in both quality and battery (Not too sound biased by any means) ..keep it coming guys.. my Rzr will be here on Wednesday and the countdown will begin once that "programming successful" is read ..By that time, I hope to be at a solid state:) Thanks again to all of you so far. Gotta love fasho:D


Silver Member
Definitely is kind of flimsy, but if you check out some videos where people take off the back of the razr, it is also very thin and flimsy as well.

Yea it is thin and flimsy. I took it off recently. Its not hard to do either. But....once its snapped back on, its on. was designed to have a non removable battery, so Moto didnt expect ppl to try to remove the back. Its similar to opening and closing an Xbox 360.

If you're seriously contemplating the RAZR, you might also want to consider the Bionic. I know a lot of folks already consider the Bionic to be obsolete, but if battery and removable SD are important factors, it's still worth consideration IMO. You might even be able to pick one up slightly used for a good deal right now. Then you could sit on your upgrade for the next 'must-have' device.

The RAZR and Bionic have similar specs, but the 2760 mAh extended battery supported by the Bionic, along with a display that literally sips power at full brightness, will likely provide more run time than any of the other devices you're considering. In fact, my Bionic display typically shows under 15% of battery usage - even when watching movies. I know that some folks don't care for the Bionic's display, but to me, it looks fine. I really think it depends on your vision. Of course, the Bionic will never be as thin or rugged as the RAZR, but with the standard battery, the Bionic is still pretty thin IMO. All of the LTE devices seems to suffer from the same network issues, so that wouldn't be a deciding factor for me unless I was willing to wait for next-gen LTE silicon.

I still have an upgrade left, so I'm monitoring the SGN forums closely to see if I want to get one myself. So far, the only reported SGN issues that would potentially bother me are battery life, speaker volume, and the camera. The battery can be swapped with a spare, so that wouldn't be a deal killer for me, and the other two issues should be able to be resolved through SW updates - at least to a point where they aren't critical flaws.

I have to say....the Bionic is the real sleeper out of all the recent phones on Verizon. Screen is no where near as bad as some ppl make it, I didnt think the RAZR screen was waaay better than the Bionics....just like the RAZR screen is no where near as bad as some ppl make it when comparing it to the G Nex and Rezound. All the screens have pros n cons.

Battery life of the G Nex.....Anandtech just did a review of the RAZR. Just scanning it and not actually calculating looks like the Bionic has better battery life than the RAZR. One reason might be it runs at 1Ghz. So if I had a G Nex...I would look at underclocking it, like I will do for me RAZR. Battery life with custom kernels is where the G Nex will shine tho. Me....I think I'm out of the custom ROM, kernel thing for now. Like someone said in another thread...I'm back to actually using and enjoying my phone again and not looking for the best ROM/kernel combo anymore.

Of course if the G Nex is having reception, signal issues that could affect battery life too.

For me, I already made my decision...RAZR. Depends on what you want from your phone, what cons you can live with, whats more important to you. I still wanna get a G Nex and compare it to my RAZR to see some things.


The best thing is that these devices aren't just a bunch of clones. Each has its own unique merits and flaws:

Removable battery, removable sdcard, thickness, camera quality, shutter speed, speaker quality, audio quality, build quality, display size/res/type, OS, accessories, good and bad bloatware, etc.

Just decide what's important to you, and pick your poison. VZW finally has best in class HW. Now, if they can just perfect LTE....


I have to say....the Bionic is the real sleeper out of all the recent phones on Verizon.
Agreed. The Bionic and the RAZR are very similar phones.

Just scanning it and not actually calculating looks like the Bionic has better battery life than the RAZR.
For what it's worth, Motorola says the RAZR has better battery life.

The best thing is that these devices aren't just a bunch of clones. Each has its own unique merits and flaws:
Agreed. When you're talking about the decision between a Bionic, a RAZR and a GNex, you're primarily talking about personal preference, not glaring differences in hardware capabilities.


Not being able to remove the Rzr batt is a big concern of mine. At least curremtly My TB's ext batt last a couple of days but it's soothing to know i can always change batteries if I forget to charge it,,,This is much tougher than I thought..
Show me some nexus screen shots that are even close to that.

Sent from the cutting edge.

Just wanna drop this screen shot off for ya ..


Silver Member
Very nice to see. Sad thing is I was hoping to see a lot more like this. Either way due to recent mishaps I am being forced to consider upgrading my second line if so it will be to the GN so I just might find out soon enough.
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Came from Bionic. For me there is no comparison...screen on the gn kills the Bionic (and I didn't think that screen was that bad). Speed seems pretty close to the same. GN is MUCH question for me. Of course I have the gpu slightly over clocked...that brings me to the biggest benefit (for me)...unlocked boot loader. Love love love it so far!

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I said I was not going to trade my razr for the nexus but my sons phone broke I gave him my razr used my upgrade to get this phone but I am so glad I did phone is awesome battery life could be better but Verizon is working on a fix for for that.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums


Active Member
I've played with both and id choose the Nexus. The screen is breathtaking, the OS is great, and the dev community will be very active.

Sent from my DROID2 GLOBAL using DroidForums


Silver Member
Had the bionic since it came out. Switched to the nexus.

The nexus blows it away.

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