With all the issues the Galaxy Nexus is having, why is it being proclaimed the best?

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There is no need to be defensive. These are electronic devices, and nobody in this conversation was responsible for designing or assembling it.

You are free to have any opinion on it, just as everyone else.

But to me, some of your points seems both a bit of a cop out, as well as overly sensitive to others pointing out flaws in the GNex.

But facts are facts. The device was touted as top shelf, and they price it accordingly. If it turns out not to perform at the elevated level many of us expected, criticism should be expected.

However, all of this can be mitigated if Google would find a fix and deliver it, stat.

Whether one runs a ROM or not, the device should still perform at a level that justifies its price. Currently that is not happening for me.

I'm not defensive... I would like to know what experience you have with the device you are touting these negatives toward....moat of which are moot.

Speaker volume... solved day 1
Reception....... not everyone has a prob

Hell already forgot the last complaint...

So I ask you. Can you see the ignorance displayed by making claims things are broken when they aren't? What was the last 4.0.3 you used before trading in your nexus?

Just curious since it appears you have a lot of experience from your posts

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums


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You can say it 200 times, but the facts will remain. The speaker on my old Incredible is superior, in every regard as far as I can tell. That is not acceptable. Buying an Ap to correct a deficiency from the factory on a $300 upgrade is not acceptable, even if it did work.

Using these forums, I have seen more than a few occasions where people have issues, and others say an ap will fix it. Then it doesnt. Doesnt compel to believe that ap's are the answer.

I think ap's that improve already good devices are an awesome thing, but ap's being required to try and get just an acceptable level of performance are indicative of a failure at the design level.

Like we have said...its a dev phone. We are smart. Volume fix day 1....FREE.... not paid.

I'm tired of the I shouldnt have to root argument. Its a dev phone...most users got it with the intent to root. Devs download source code....add their own enhancement... and compile products that are better than factory. These features advance technology... period. What is HTC or moto doing to advance technology anymore...after the d1.....

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
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Silver Member
You can say it 200 times, but the facts will remain. The speaker on my old Incredible is superior, in every regard as far as I can tell. That is not acceptable. Buying an Ap to correct a deficiency from the factory on a $300 upgrade is not acceptable, even if it did work.

Using these forums, I have seen more than a few occasions where people have issues, and others say an ap will fix it. Then it doesnt. Doesnt compel to believe that ap's are the answer.

I think ap's that improve already good devices are an awesome thing, but ap's being required to try and get just an acceptable level of performance are indicative of a failure at the design level.

You're missing the point. You won't need the app once Google releases the update that adjusts the volume accordingly.

I can see that you have no interest in understanding the idea that this is the first phone on the entire planet with Google's new operating system. It is not going to be 100% when it's first released, that's the whole point of Google releasing a Nexus every year, to show what new things they've come up with and they improve and update the OS as bugs are found.


Premium Member
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You're missing the point. You won't need the app once Google releases the update that adjusts the volume accordingly.

I can see that you have no interest in understanding the idea that this is the first phone on the entire planet with Google's new operating system. It is not going to be 100% when it's first released, that's the whole point of Google releasing a Nexus every year, to show what new things they've come up with and they improve and update the OS as bugs are found.

I agree. I think many consumers buy a product for what it is now....not what it can and will be. By the time they get tired of their device ...HTC or moto new device will be out and they will be using the same device they have or pay top dollar for the new one that has a couple more features. In 6 months

I can see the nex easily still rockin in a year or two

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums


Silver Member
Agreed. Not to mention....other new features like nfc tags... little stickers you can map and create profiles on and put in car...home....work....crapper if u wanna lol

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums

Crapper profile FTW! :D


I'm not defensive... I would like to know what experience you have with the device you are touting these negatives toward....moat of which are moot.

Speaker volume... solved day 1
Reception....... not everyone has a prob

Hell already forgot the last complaint...

So I ask you. Can you see the ignorance displayed by making claims things are broken when they aren't? What was the last 4.0.3 you used before trading in your nexus?

Just curious since it appears you have a lot of experience from your posts

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums

Apparently you arent even reading my posts. I still own the GNex, and have not traded it.

My opinions and thoughts on the phone are unbiased, and honest. A lot of times that doesnt go over well when mixed with irrational defensiveness of a piece of electronic gear.

Whether or not you wish to admit it, a new device that ships with a speaker that requires outside remedy to make usable is poor execution on the part of the companies that brought it to market. I miss calls because of it. I have to cup my hand behind the speaker to hear a Youtube video. I have Volume+ plus because initially, when everyone realized there was a speaker issue, everyone said that fixed it. So, reluctantly, I DL'd it. No difference. Many others did the same thing and realized it didnt help..

Then folks started saying only the paid ap helps. It gets to a point and you realize folks are just trying to leave the impression it is a simple fix. It is simply unacceptable for Google/Sammy to release a top tier device and it have a crap speaker. Then the signal issues, then a camera that is a couple generations behind other good devices, etc. If one is objective a couple things happen.

1- They voice their concerns to everyone, including the mfg, which brings about quicker resolution to the issues or marginalizes the maker. They then leave the market or produce better products. Win/win.

2- People end up with better value for their money because they wont accept mediocrity for their hard earned cash.

Again, I am hoping that Google fixes this device, because it is really nice other than the obvious issues. If not, I will send it back and go with the Rezound. Of course it isnt perfect, but it appears to be the top of the heap right now, and that is what one is supposed to get when they spend $300 and an upgrade. Just straight facts man.


Senior Member
You can say it 200 times, but the facts will remain. The speaker on my old Incredible is superior, in every regard as far as I can tell. That is not acceptable. Buying an Ap to correct a deficiency from the factory on a $300 upgrade is not acceptable, even if it did work.

Using these forums, I have seen more than a few occasions where people have issues, and others say an ap will fix it. Then it doesnt. Doesnt compel to believe that ap's are the answer.

I think ap's that improve already good devices are an awesome thing, but ap's being required to try and get just an acceptable level of performance are indicative of a failure at the design level.

:p I am confused... are you trying to convince yourself that paying a buck sixty five for a volume app is to much after paying 300 bucks? Volume+ works no doubt about it... didn't work for you... ok save the buck sixty five or clicking over to the devs website and downloading the full version for free and saving the buck sixty five and just get another phone... :D

Probably burned up a buck sixty five in keyboard wear and tear by now... lol
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Silver Member
Apparently you arent even reading my posts. I still own the GNex, and have not traded it.

My opinions and thoughts on the phone are unbiased, and honest. A lot of times that doesnt go over well when mixed with irrational defensiveness of a piece of electronic gear.

Whether or not you wish to admit it, a new device that ships with a speaker that requires outside remedy to make usable is poor execution on the part of the companies that brought it to market. I miss calls because of it. I have to cup my hand behind the speaker to hear a Youtube video. I have Volume+ plus because initially, when everyone realized there was a speaker issue, everyone said that fixed it. So, reluctantly, I DL'd it. No difference. Many others did the same thing and realized it didnt help..

Then folks started saying only the paid ap helps. It gets to a point and you realize folks are just trying to leave the impression it is a simple fix. It is simply unacceptable for Google/Sammy to release a top tier device and it have a crap speaker. Then the signal issues, then a camera that is a couple generations behind other good devices, etc. If one is objective a couple things happen.

1- They voice their concerns to everyone, including the mfg, which brings about quicker resolution to the issues or marginalizes the maker. They then leave the market or produce better products. Win/win.

2- People end up with better value for their money because they wont accept mediocrity for their hard earned cash.

Again, I am hoping that Google fixes this device, because it is really nice other than the obvious issues. If not, I will send it back and go with the Rezound. Of course it isnt perfect, but it appears to be the top of the heap right now, and that is what one is supposed to get when they spend $300 and an upgrade. Just straight facts man.

I don't even use volume + my speaker is completely fine, just like my signal is completely fine.

Please go buy an Iphone already so you can go play angry birds and stop bothering us.

You clearly are ignoring every fact we've given you and replaced it with ignorance.


You're missing the point. You won't need the app once Google releases the update that adjusts the volume accordingly.

I can see that you have no interest in understanding the idea that this is the first phone on the entire planet with Google's new operating system. It is not going to be 100% when it's first released, that's the whole point of Google releasing a Nexus every year, to show what new things they've come up with and they improve and update the OS as bugs are found.

This I hope you are right about. That an OTA corrects the major issues.

Your second point is just silly. This is not about my willingness to learn anything. You talk about 100% effectiveness out of the box, which is not something I have ever mentioned.

It is about the ability of one device, verse others that come to market at or near the same time. There are other phones right now that deliver a great speaker, a great signal, a great camera, a great screen, a solid overall experience. That is why I dont like to hear excuses about bugs, etc. The weak speaker in all likelihood is not a software issue.

Hopefully the camera and radios are. I need to know in the next 7 days.


Not necessarily. Its been less than a month....the radios aren't leaks....they are open source. This isn't HTC or moto where pre release are based off leaks .

If it was a reciever issue then all of us would have the same problem...my reception is fine. Sorry your nexus didn't get good reception in your area.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums

It wasn't just my area. I travel a lot. It was happening in every major metropolitan area I visited. I traded for another Nexus, same problems.


Senior Member
This I hope you are right about. That an OTA corrects the major issues.

Your second point is just silly. This is not about my willingness to learn anything. You talk about 100% effectiveness out of the box, which is not something I have ever mentioned.

It is about the ability of one device, verse others that come to market at or near the same time. There are other phones right now that deliver a great speaker, a great signal, a great camera, a great screen, a solid overall experience. That is why I dont like to hear excuses about bugs, etc. The weak speaker in all likelihood is not a software issue.

Hopefully the camera and radios are. I need to know in the next 7 days.

Dude save yourself and others from burning any more brain cells on this one and just get another phone :D Let me tell you that based on your comments there is no way on earth that Google or Verizon or Samsung is going to make you happy with the Galaxy Nexus in the next 7 days.


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Apparently you arent even reading my posts. I still own the GNex, and have not traded it.

My opinions and thoughts on the phone are unbiased, and honest. A lot of times that doesnt go over well when mixed with irrational defensiveness of a piece of electronic gear.

Whether or not you wish to admit it, a new device that ships with a speaker that requires outside remedy to make usable is poor execution on the part of the companies that brought it to market. I miss calls because of it. I have to cup my hand behind the speaker to hear a Youtube video. I have Volume+ plus because initially, when everyone realized there was a speaker issue, everyone said that fixed it. So, reluctantly, I DL'd it. No difference. Many others did the same thing and realized it didnt help..

Then folks started saying only the paid ap helps. It gets to a point and you realize folks are just trying to leave the impression it is a simple fix. It is simply unacceptable for Google/Sammy to release a top tier device and it have a crap speaker. Then the signal issues, then a camera that is a couple generations behind other good devices, etc. If one is objective a couple things happen.

1- They voice their concerns to everyone, including the mfg, which brings about quicker resolution to the issues or marginalizes the maker. They then leave the market or produce better products. Win/win.

2- People end up with better value for their money because they wont accept mediocrity for their hard earned cash.

Again, I am hoping that Google fixes this device, because it is really nice other than the obvious issues. If not, I will send it back and go with the Rezound. Of course it isnt perfect, but it appears to be the top of the heap right now, and that is what one is supposed to get when they spend $300 and an upgrade. Just straight facts man.

No I didn't read all your posts. I read the last few pages where I started posting. Rarely do I read an entire banter thread like this.

Volume + does work....and has worked...and the version that I downloaded was from devs site....didn't pay....was free.

And you're not comprehending my posts as well. Volume level is and OBVIOUS software issue...and will be fixed. Already has for most of us. Not for the folks on the stock train. I repeat... most of us bought the phone for what it will be (and already is after rooting). And to root this puppy...and advance technology on the android forefront. It was not advertised as a phone for photography....so accept the camera. I've taken some great pictures with it.

Are you saying megapixel difference of 3 is years behind in cellphone camera technology. This phone takes better pics than my tbolt...which isn't that old...so not sure what you are basing that on

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums


I don't even use volume + my speaker is completely fine, just like my signal is completely fine.

Please go buy an Iphone already so you can go play angry birds and stop bothering us.

You clearly are ignoring every fact we've given you and replaced it with ignorance.

LOL, please name one fact I have ignored.

You are being absurd. Why would I buy an Iphone? I dont hate the Iphone, but I am a huge Android fan. I expect more from this device, so far it is letting me down. And if a week from now, there arent concrete steps taken to address them I will move on and consider the Gnex a failure from my perspective. Likely to a Rezound though, not an Iphone.

I just want the best device currently available. That is all I expect for a $300 upgrade. I would rather iron the bugs out of a near perfect device, than starting at an apparent deficit.


Does Verizon ever handle anything well?

Luckily we don't have to worry about Verizon, since it's Google who handles everything concerning the Nexus.

It's funny how Google has been silent throughout all this. If this is their baby and they're supporting it, where are they? It seems as if they dropped it off at a firehouse and abandoned it.
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