Will you purchase the Droid Incredible?

its not that big of an upgrade from the droid to buy so def not for me
I like my phone and it runs at 1ghz and has high res screen, plus a kb so the only reason would be more ram and thats not enough imo.
why is a processor up grade and the new sense ui from htc making eveyone go crazy for this phone i dont see how this is a huge upgrade from the droid how bout no 4g ,how bout a gpu with the spadragon, hd output, bigger screen, better materials for which the phone was made from not the plastic **** it is made from.Listen i am not even rooted on my droid and really dont want to be these people who want this phone and are not even available for the upgrade are going to waste there money cause of a processor upgrade lol good luck people
I'm going to check it out in stores and see if i like it. Most likely i will be getting one though. I will have my Droid for backup still though.
im going to upgrade, most people here need to justify their purchases and need to feel they didnt go wrong by purchasing the Droid but the truth is if you had the chance to exchange phones (cost free) most people would.
im going to upgrade, most people here need to justify their purchases and need to feel they didnt go wrong by purchasing the Droid but the truth is if you had the chance to exchange phones (cost free) most people would.

Well i don't feel i went wrong with purchasing my Droid. I love the Droid but the Droid has the physical keyboard and ever since Swype i don't use the physical keyboard so one more thing i got to worry about breaking on me. The specs for the Incredible are good with the 1GHz Snapdragon processor ,8GB on board memory and the 512MB ram and rom. This phone should run like a champ.

I do agree with you that a lot of Droid owners would probably exchange for the Incredible if it was free of charge. A lot also feel the need to defend the phone because they aren't eligible for an upgrade yet and cant/wont pay full price for the phone. All in all we are all still droid owners until the 29th and all in all we will all still be ANDROID owners all fighting together in the battle against the iPhone, Blackberry, Palm and Windows phones.
This will be my first android phone and I’m leaving my blackberry for it.

Same here !! I am leaving my Blackberry Curve for the Droid. I dare say that I was NEVER :icon_evil: happy with the Blackberry that was my first smartphone two years ago.

My "new in Two" date is April 21 Wed and I was all set to order the Moto Droid !! I even bought a new case ! Then April 19 Mon, Verizon announces the new HTC Droid Incredible ! I spent most of the night reading up on the HTC phones and watching the videos. The Snapdragon processor and the OLED screen with the 8 megapixel camera, has me convinced that I need to go with the HTC Incredible.

I also like the Samsung Galaxy, but don't know if Verizon will be getting that phone and I can't wait any longer. I want my new Droid on April 29.

If you own a Droid of any kind, then you are so much luckier that any Blackberry owner. :)
Hell No! My contract is up in November and Im pretty sure there will be an even better phone out lol... ohh well Im happy with my droid for now and I will decide then
I really doubt the incredible will have nearly as much success as the Droid, The droid was the phone that put adroid on the Map, not even the Nexus 1 did that. The Droid is like Verizons version of the Iphone, Many phones have came out but the Iphone stands alone and so will the Droid. The Droid and the Iphone are the top Dogs when It come to smartphones and I dont see any other takein them down anytime soon

I'll never get a blackberry storm phone agene after my problems with my 9530. Even with the hybrid updates it just sucked. I’m now a storm hater. I has going to get the Motorola droid also but decided on this because I don't need keyboard and specs are better IMO. Even though in probably 6 mouths they will have a new super 4G android phone out o'well
OC a MotoDroid and it's just as capable and just about as fast as the D.Inc or any other phone on the market.

I'd rather wait until the real hardware starts shipping in Spring/Summer 2011, around the time that my contract is up. HTC will probably have a dual-core 4G phone in the pipe and ready for release with Android 3.x. And if HTC doesn't have a dual core ready for release you'd better believe that Apple or Motorola will.
OC a MotoDroid and it's just as capable and just about as fast as the D.Inc or any other phone on the market.

I'd rather wait until the real hardware starts shipping in Spring/Summer 2011, around the time that my contract is up. HTC will probably have a dual-core 4G phone in the pipe and ready for release with Android 3.x. And if HTC doesn't have a dual core ready for release you'd better believe that Apple or Motorola will.

Point is not everyone wants to root their phones to Overclock to 1GHz when we can get a phone that runs 1GHz already out of the box :)

The Incredible will be the last one i buy for a while until they start rolling out with the 4G phones. Even after i upgrade to the Incredible i still got another update ready to be used when they start rolling out 4G phones.