Which has a better camera- the Inc or the X?


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Aug 1, 2010
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I am due for an upgrade on the 23rd of this month (only 10 days now, yay!), and I'm having a devil of a time deciding between the Droid Inc and the Droid X. A big selling point for me is the camera. I am forgoing the Droid 2 because its camera is only 5MP.

I know both the Inc and the X have 8MP cameras, but, in my experience, cameras that have the same MP capacity don't necessarily perform the same.

So, my question stands- which device, in your opinion, has the better camera, the Inc or the X?
i tend to think htc makes their camera work better (nicer software) and take much better pictures. motorola in my opinion might have the specs, but its not as good
Don't throw out a phone just because its mega pixels are lower. At a point, the picture get's grainier with higher MPs and bad sensors. Compare them from photos, not specs.
I will take the same photo tomorrow when I get home from work with the Incredible and the Droid X and you can decide for yourself. I think the X takes better pics but that could be my imagination.
I have both devices

Hello there. I have used both devices. I originally got the DINC for myself and loved it. Then the X came out and I gave the DINC to my wife. Honestly speaking, the shutter speed has a major difference and that makes the clarity etc... very different. The X is great at still shots that you can take your time with. If you are trying to snap a quick shot, the DINc will blow it out the water. The video recorder is of course way better on the DX. 720P is jammin. But the camera and picture quality is a bit better on the DINC. It was almost a deal breaker for me bc I take a lot of pictures. I have a 22 month old little girl whose very active. That camera shutter speed is important to me. May not be to others but when I took a side by side picture, the shutter speed and processiing speed of the DINC was better. I believe it has to do with the actual processor. Texas Instruments makes the OMAP Processor on the DX and the SnapDragon Processor made by Qualcomm seems to do a better job. Both devices are jammin but I like the DINC camera over the DX any day. Even the colors are more vibrant on the DINc.
Hope this helps. :blackdroid:
I quick primer on megapixel and photography. What do you plan on doing with your pics? Higher pixel counts are only necessary if you plan on printing. Using 300 dpi (photo quality printing), a 5mp image can be printed up to 6X9, 8mp up to 8X10.

So unless your final product is 8X10 high quality prints, you don't really need 8mp.
Well, it's very nice of you to do that, Whostoblame. I'll greatly appreciate it!

Bthomasltd, thanks for the input. Isn't the Inc getting 720p in Froyo? One more concern of mine is I saw that the Droid X has more ROM than the Inc. What does this mean? Is the Droid X faster than the Inc? Not just in terms of the camera, but the phone in general.

And I generally plan on using the camera for digital photo albums I guess. If the Droid 2 has noticeably better hardware than the X or the Inc, I guess I could live with the 5MP camera.

I appreciate you guys being so helpful. With three great phones to choose from, it's not an easy decision, haha.
I would have to agree with iresq. I have a photography business on the side and megapixels are over-rated for sure. On a mobile device, 5 is plenty. I have reduced my DX resolution down to 5. Your device is going to have to compress them anyway to send them via MMS, emails would be way too large and very few print out 8x10 pictures taken from a camera that is on a phone. You will see prints more than likely taken from a DSLR camera then a camera phone.
Right, well I have a nice DSLR camera that I use for serious photography, but I like having a decent camera that is more portable, so that's why it was a big deal to me.
When I played with the X I didn't get to the camera before I had decided I wanted to keep my Dinc. My understanding tho, between all the reviews and videos I watched trying to make the same decision between the X and the Dinc is...
The X camera is better out of the box, but it has less capabilities to improve the photos (white balance, exposure, effects etc)
The Dinc out of the box is a little less sharp in its images but once you personalize the settings it is better than the X all around.

Again this is just information I have gathered up when I was looking...

As for the X having 720 video, The Dinc will have 720 as well after the updates.

Personally I liked the Dinc over the X. It really comes down to personal choice between these two. Both are great phones with slight differences. Either way you can't go wrong.
You are correct. DINC Is getting Froyo and no telling when the added bonus of 720p will be added whether it be on the next update to Froyo or a further update. The ROM and RAM will certainly have a large part to do with the processing speed as well. good point on that. ROM is where the firmware of the device is stored, RAM is where caching and other "quick to grab" information is stored. so 512 ROM and 512 RAM work hand in had to make a better processing experience for the user. and btw, BOTH the DINC and the DX have 8mp cameras so you win either way with that spec. I just reduced my resolution so I can have a quicker compression before I send an MMS to my friends or upload to FB or TWTR etc....
Yep. I'm leaning towards the Inc right now; I just have this stupid compulsion to buy the newer product even if it's not necessarily better. I need to get past that.

Now that I've gotten the perspective on the 3MP difference not being that big, the Droid 2 is becoming more appealing, especially the R2D2 special edition.
Let me clarify about the 720p update. It is coming with Froyo but is, in fact, a part of the radio upgrade. I just did the radio upgrade earlier this week and posted a link on it. This changed radio settings, added the 720p option for the camera and also added the 3G Wifi Hotspot to the phone.
You can't go wrong with either phone. The two factors I would say you need to concentrate are 1)the physical size of the phones and 2)whether you like Motoblur or Sense better. Those are the biggest differences.
Ok sorry for the delay but been busy.

The video quality is better on the X but I will try to shoot some this weekend and post on Monday:icon_eek:

EDIT: The one with the sunset where taken about two minutes apart so one might look clear cause of the sun.