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[ROM] The Arctic ICS!!!! Open Testing [7/8/2012]


Premium Member
Premium Member

There is no guarantee on getting this Rom to boot up... I modified the stock 206 rom from hashcode to add in the customized Arctic speed, debloat, de-odexed, and feel of the Arctic ICS Rom for the DROID RAZR I have been working on with papi92, spc_hicks, and EmericanX.

Download ArcticRomD4_206rv1.zip (this build includes Gapps): http://crackflasher.com/dev/mattlgroff/ArcticRomD4_206rv1.zip

Instructions: Must be on ICS Leak 206 or above for the Droid 4. (See here:[Universal Ics Leak List]Droid 4 Unofficial Current Ics Leaks [Updated 7/7/12] - DroidRzr.com) Switch to Safe-side on Safestrap. Flash 1wipe2ruleThemAll.zip from here or manually wipe data, wipe cache, wipe dalvik cache, format/system, then Flash ArcticRomD4_206.zip.

Note: I am not even sure this will boot up, it'd be nice if it does. I do not have a D4 to test it on

Please post what works and what doesn't... I will try my best to fix the issues, but no promises ;)

Update 7/8/2012 - Hopefully might have fixed the random reboots.​
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Perhaps they would. Wait for someone with experience does experiments. To many newbie get their phone, messed up blame on the devs.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
Thanks for the port mattlgroff. Installed and booted just fine. Unfortunately it keeps spontaneously rebooting a few minutes. Not sure what that is about. Didn't really a chance to test anything else out. Looks pretty slick though. Hopefully the bugs can get worked out. Thanks again for your efforts!
This installed and booted up just fine for me also. Tested camera (pictures and video both worked).
Didn't get any force closes or freezes on anything. Was able to use the market and install apps. Wasn't able to test much else either though do to the random rebooting thing. Pretty sure though if the random reboots can be fixed that there wouldn't be much else to fix.
Seemed very smooth and responsive. Love the fact that the hdmi output is incorporated into this as that I think is cm9 and aokps only downfall. Overall I think this is looking pretty strong for a daily driver. Didn't connect to 4g but I don't know if it just didn't have enough time to make the connection( the reboots ) or if there is actually an issue or not . And by the way I LOVE the zip to wipe everything, completely genuis and prolly saves about 5 min of work in safestrap.

Thanks again for the work put into this.

Krooked All Day
Thanks for the reports on the random reboots guys. I attribute these to the battery goes down 1% I believe... I attempted to just use some the Razr files for 1% batter mod instead of having to make a new one. Seems like that was a mistake ;)
I will try to get some work into a 1% again if I can get a hold of my partner EmericanX who made the one for Razr ICS Arctic.

I am in the process of uploading a new version now with the SystemUI.apk and services.jar returned to de-odexed ICS 6.16.206 (D4) base.

Also I'd like to mention I will be getting a Droid 4 very soon, which means I'll be able to have a test device.

EDIT: Uploaded and put into the OP. It also is here:
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Just tried rv1; got hot reboots. Didn't make it through setup wizard before it happened.

Thanks, look forward to more!

Sent from my DROID4 using Tapatalk 2
I've been running the CM9 nightlies every day with little problems, but I want to try this.

If I use Safestrap to back up my current CM9 set up and flash this ROM instead and for whatever reason want to switch back, will I be able to do so smoothly by restoring in Safestrap?

I want to make sure I can revert as if I never made the switch.
My phone got stuck rebooting over and over after flashing this rom. I eventually just force the device off and flash CM9 back on my safe side.
My phone got stuck rebooting over and over after flashing this rom. I eventually just force the device off and flash CM9 back on my safe side.

I got the same thing. Well, it didn't reboot over and over. It just froze at the boot screen. And I tried wiping everything before I flashed it.
razr roms that are ported with 1% mod causes reboots. thats why i haven done one in a while.

I know stupid question, and since I dont develop my own ROMS it'll sound like I dont know what I'm talking about, but is there a way to disable the 1% mod? Can you compare this rom to another D4 ICS rom side by side to see what is different and what needs to be changed?