There is no guarantee on getting this Rom to boot up... I modified the stock 206 rom from hashcode to add in the customized Arctic speed, debloat, de-odexed, and feel of the Arctic ICS Rom for the DROID RAZR I have been working on with papi92, spc_hicks, and EmericanX.

Download ArcticRomD4_206rv1.zip (this build includes Gapps): http://crackflasher.com/dev/mattlgroff/ArcticRomD4_206rv1.zip
Instructions: Must be on ICS Leak 206 or above for the Droid 4. (See here:[Universal Ics Leak List]Droid 4 Unofficial Current Ics Leaks [Updated 7/7/12] - DroidRzr.com) Switch to Safe-side on Safestrap. Flash 1wipe2ruleThemAll.zip from here or manually wipe data, wipe cache, wipe dalvik cache, format/system, then Flash ArcticRomD4_206.zip.
Note: I am not even sure this will boot up, it'd be nice if it does. I do not have a D4 to test it on
Please post what works and what doesn't... I will try my best to fix the issues, but no promises
Update 7/8/2012 - Hopefully might have fixed the random reboots.
Instructions: Must be on ICS Leak 206 or above for the Droid 4. (See here:[Universal Ics Leak List]Droid 4 Unofficial Current Ics Leaks [Updated 7/7/12] - DroidRzr.com) Switch to Safe-side on Safestrap. Flash 1wipe2ruleThemAll.zip from here or manually wipe data, wipe cache, wipe dalvik cache, format/system, then Flash ArcticRomD4_206.zip.
Note: I am not even sure this will boot up, it'd be nice if it does. I do not have a D4 to test it on
Please post what works and what doesn't... I will try my best to fix the issues, but no promises

Update 7/8/2012 - Hopefully might have fixed the random reboots.
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