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[ROM] Simplex-V1.3 | Ics4.04 |10/1/2012 | The Revival!


Theme Developer
Theme Developer
Preview ScreenShots animated gif here!

Safestrap is the is the only supported install method!-Intro
I present Simplex Revival!

It is still deodexed, debloated, and blur stripped! If you like blur... This ROM is not for you!! I cannot stress that enough. I'v not personally noticed a single FC or issue as of yet. I tend to spend a good bit of time working on these because I cant stand bugs! So I try to take care of as many as I can. Where possible Blur items have been replaced with AOSP compiled from source by myself. Its been a while since an update due to my computer issues... But Simplex is back! So give it a run and as always.. feedback welcome!

DroidForums, myself, or any other party CANNOT be held responsible for what you decide to do. Modifying system files can lead to a damaged or comletely bricked device!!! Your phone! Your choice! Your responsibility!!!!

Google - For the Android we play with.
Motorola - For fantastic hardware!
Dhacker29 - always listening to my bickering on Gtalk!!! lol
Hashcode - for the Safestrap compatible 211 build ROM - on which this is based
Nitroglycerin33 - Awesome pull down toggles on a 211 build and quad lock with sound toggle!
SparkyMan - Amazing tweaks scripts!
Whirleyes over at XDA - Overclock support.
St3rdroids - Custom Simplex wall papers!

OFFICIAL Statement: I have updated my credits to include the Quadlock with sound toggle credit to Nitro! He politely reminded me. I did a lot of bouncing around getting it ready and forgot to credit properly. :-/ ... so I apologize! Blame it on the akakakalcohol! Lol

-The Goods!
Besides being deodexed this ROM is zipaligned at boot. It also has a great tweaks script put together by Sparkyman which makes this thing fly! There are currently 7 notification toggles with possible plans for further modification. The Blur lockscreen has been replaced with the AOSP modded to include the Blur sound toggle. You will also find the built-in Tethering & Hotspot fully functional from first boot! Blur camera is still in place but has been patched for AOSP Gallery2 support. It includes the Beats Mod, Cpu OC/Stock/UC controls, and Spare Parts. All additional settings can be found in system settings "Simplex Settings". Last but not least on this latest update I decided to go another direction with the UI of the ROM. You'll now experience more of an inverted feel with a good bit of semi-transparency! You know you're curious!

To install this ROM you must be on ICS with Safestrap installed! Safestrap is the only tested method! I always recommend doing a full wipe! For those on an older version of Simplex simply flashing the update may be ok without data wipe... The updater script will take care of wiping cache for you.

->Download and place on SDCard. Reboot to recovery. Wipe data/cache!!!. Install from SDCard. Reboot! Allow time for the ROM to boot completely then let it sit for a little while.

New!! - Download SimplexROM-v1.3 - Safestrap - 10/1/2012 - Download From Here! - Gapps included.

Though I don't require it by any means... its always nice! So if you'd like buy me a beer! ---> DoNaTe!

Known Issues-

Quad lock is set up for using MMS messaging app! Removal of MMS and selecting it from the lock screen will cause a hot-reboot.

-Change Log
10/1/2012 - Update v1.3 "The Revival"
- Changed default launcher - Removed Trebuchet and replaced with Apex(free)
- The ever so requested Advanced power menu is here! I don't think more explanation is needed here.
- Updated Framework to build .215
- Revamped UI - Clean, Minimal, and Semi-transparent!
*Themers contact me if you wish to know which apps in particular needed special attention over framework mods*
- Revamped Init-d scripts.
- Updated G-apps. If you don't find a Gapp its in the Play Store. (to keep Download time down)
- Included Google Now!
- Included TeamHaters Wallpaper app w/ custom walls by St3rdroids.
- Included my Modded LatinIME(keyboard). Go to Keyboard/Input settings to select a Keyboard theme! Default is the best... lol

8/4/2012 - Update v1.2
- Incorporated blur sound toggle into AOSP lockscreen.
- Replace aosp Launcher with Trebuchet (compliments of CM)
- added Cpu Control Modules.
- Simplex Settings incorporated into System Settings!
. - CPU control - Overclock to 1.325Ghz, Stock - 1.2Ghz, or Underclock to 1.0Ghz to save some juice!

. - Spare Parts - Advanced android settings.
. - Trebuchet Launcher settings.
. - Beats Audio - Just felt it looked cleaner incorporated into settings vs a separate app.
- A bit of house cleaning.

note : for cpu settings to take affect you will need to reboot.

7/1/2012 - Updated to v-1.0.1(Dropped Beta!)
- Updated AOSP lockscreen - 4 hotseats. Unlock, SMS, Phone, and Camera.
- Updated build.prop - fix some logcat issues - probably unnoticed by most.
- Included Beats Audio!
- Fixed issues with MyVerizon Market app.
- Cleaned up apps and updated as needed.
- Included Gapps! mainly to fix some reporting multiple Galleries. Fixed Picassa Sync.
- Updated Default Wallpaper! Credit to Dubs_X!
- if I missed anything, I'll fill you in later! lol

6-24-2012 - Initial release!
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Mods and Other Downloads!

Simplex Inverter Duty

As promised! This is the Start of an inverted theme for SimplexROM. For those that don't know what Inverted means.. Basically the stock apps with white background/black text have been swapped(or inverted). It makes for a darker and IMHO Cleaner experience. I have also themed Framework and SystemUI to match!!

ITEMS Themed:
Framework-res.apk | SystemUI.apk | Contacts.apk | Mms.apk | Email.apk | Calendar.apk

I do suggest the Installation of Inverted GApps as well available -> HERE! Credit to Aixelsyd!!!

note: This will overwrite the battery mod if you have it installed! You should be able to flash the BatteryMOD after flashing InverterDUTY to have the best of both worlds..

note2: ScreenShots show a different font. I do not include font's in my builds due to everyone has their own taste! There are plenty of resources available to install on of your choice!

Download theme and place on your SDCard. Flash as normal update. No wipes required!!! My script wipes /cache as needed during install.

Download Inverter Duty - SimplexROM - v0.1 - DOWNLOAD NOW!

Simplex Battery MODS


-Solid Text Battery - Download NOW!
-Gradient Text Battery - Download NOW!
-Stubby Style Battery - Download NOW!
-Stock Style Battery(REVERT) - Download NOW!
-Round Style Battery - Download NOW!

Credit for Solid and Gradient Text Battery Images goes to Superrelaxx!

-old builds
Download - SimplexROM-v1.0.1 - Safestrap ONLY! 7/1/2012 - Download NOW! Gapps included!
Download - SimplexROM - RC1.1 - ICS[4.0.4] - Safestrap ONLY! - Download NOW!
Gapps for RC1.1! - Download from here!!!

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thanks for making a simple rom. i wanted to know if it was safe to delete these few apps as well....
by name....
Email (not the mail engine, but the exchange app)
News and Weather
Smart Actions

Live wallpapers....
forest wallpapers...
sticky notes

.apks found by search....

are there any others i can get rid of? i like the mobile hot spot app. i did work. i have been testing different usb tethers and this one seems to be testing higher than Easytehter. is there anyway to be able to choose which power widgets are on the notification bar? i normally don't need that many on there.
thanks again for the rom.
I will reply to this when I'm not mobile! Lol. To much typing involved.

Sent from my XT912 using Tapatalk 2
does this rom take a long time to load-up in the "M" screen? it has been on that screen for about 5 min now? PLEASE HELP!?
The pulsing M or the still M?

It does take sometime on the first boot. But you should be at the boot animation which is the moto logo with animation.

If its more then five minutes I would boot back into safe strap, wipe and reflash..

Sent from my XT912 using Tapatalk 2
the pulsing M. yes its been more then 5 min. I believe i did everything to the T. i dont know where i could have went wrong. But ill try it again. thx
I had one other person that had the same issue. No reason for it! But a second data/cache wipe and flash did the job

Sent from my XT912 using Tapatalk 2
thanks for making a simple rom. i wanted to know if it was safe to delete these few apps as well....
by name....
Email (not the mail engine, but the exchange app)
News and Weather
Smart Actions

Live wallpapers....
forest wallpapers...
sticky notes

.apks found by search....

are there any others i can get rid of? i like the mobile hot spot app. i did work. i have been testing different usb tethers and this one seems to be testing higher than Easytehter. is there anyway to be able to choose which power widgets are on the notification bar? i normally don't need that many on there.
thanks again for the rom.

ok... Gmail, MyFiles, New&Weather(GenieWidget.apk), SmartActions, Talk, task, and youtube you should be fine to remove. I wouldn't touch the email unless you plan on removing it all together! You will most likely run into issues with the Email app if you remove the exchange app. Launcher2 can be removed IF you have a supplement launcher installed to /system/app! Do not delete it if you do not. ForestWallpaper.apk and SartActionFW.apk can also be removed. As for the others I have not tested with removing them so I couldn't tell you what you may cause should you start removing them. You definitely do not want to remove Blur-Services! you will have issues. As for the others the best way to test is to make sure to have a working backup that you can get to from safestrap. Then start renaming the apps by replacing the .apk with .bak... this will stop all instances of the app hence showing you what if any side effects. Good Luck!
I think my post got deleted.....:(
I listed all the apps i deleted. I did delete blur-services. So far no issues. I did have 1 issue with my auto rotate screen keep being unchecked, but it was my fault. I kept turning it off at the toggle.
Phone boots after 3 pulses of the "M".
Awesome job!
Not sure how your post got deleted! But I'm glad you got it worked out!

Sent from my XT912 using Tapatalk 2
First...this ROM rocks for battery life. I made it 36 hours on a full charge with normal use, and still had 15% remaining. That alone is worth the cost of admission.

One thing that I have lost, that I really would love to have, is my call time indication. When I miss a call, or message, instead of seeing the time the call was missed, all I get is "15 minutes ago, 1 hour ago...ect" Is there anyway to get it to show the time of the call, or an app that you could suggest that would do it?

Other than that...great, great ROM. Install was simple and flawless, and so far, I have not had a single FC, glitch, or anything.

Thanks again.
Thanks man! I'm assuming you came from an aokp or cm based rom? Haven't mad an changes to the phone other then a bit of theming... so its pretty much what motor gives us. I do btw hate how motor does the favorites on the actual phone. It should be as aosp is Nd list the rest of the contacts under the images instead of having to go to a separate app just for that. So I intend to look at changing that.. I'll take a look while I'm in there at your request as well though.

Great feedback on the battery life! Im seeing roughly the same... some days better the others lol... as far as the fc's or lack there of.... awesome! I try to screen for possible causes of fc's and fix them along the way. There's nothing worse then a freshly flashed rom with a load of fc's at boot! Lol..

Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk 2
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I also want to add, ZERO fc's! Even with the additional deleted apps! Amazing job!!!!!!
I did how ever have a weird battery drain (maybe). Woke up today to a completely dead phone. Zero charge. I dont know what percent i was at, so i will keep a close watch. Any chance an upgrade to. 215 or something like that? One favor, can we change the toggles? I'd like to have an option of a torch or something like that. Also, there was 1 really cool feature i saw on another rom, "instant torch". When the phone is locked, u can hold the power button and the torch is on. It says on as long as u r holding it. Release, goes off.
BTW, just installed BW, had to take it off. No cool features and i didnt think it was as cool as yours.
Again, thanks, and GREAT job!