Screen Shots and Discussion for themes 1.0

Just loaded up revolution, love the theme but I am having issues with gmail force closing. Anyone else experiencing this?

I also have had this happen on a different theme on 1.0. I'm not sure what's causing it, but I've only had it happen a couple of times.
yeah I ported these themes all at once last night I rushed through some I will have to go in and fix code to make it right, but it will have to wait last night killed me!!!!!

I modified the color of the buttons instead of the font. I had to recreate the ROM to make it work. I wonder if anyone is interested though.

I changed the following:

1. battery indicator to another that was more visible.
2. 3G indicator. One currently in droid-x theme was bit pixelated.
3. download indicator. it was too hard to see.

Yeah, I'm interested! Where can I get the modified version?

why cant you put a more contrasting color in there? white, silver
Any chance you could make a black and blue theme? I like the black glass theme but the green clashes with the blue lettering and wallpaper that ive set.
Any chance you could make a black and blue theme? I like the black glass theme but the green clashes with the blue lettering and wallpaper that ive set.

Uggh Fine Lol Black Ice Posted Check first post!

Maybe once you've rested up you can port RedRum. I am still a big fan of that theme. I can't believe I missed this thread until now.

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Another Vote for roberj13's themes

I'd like to put in another vote for Purple wife won't let me move her to Sapphire until there's something girly, and PP is so cool I almost want to run it myself!

I know roberj13 said he'd be porting all of his themes for 1.0, so I'm just excited to see them!

Thank you guys (cvps and the rest of the Sapphire team, and especially our Jeweler extraordinaire bgill55 as well as roberj13), for all the awesome work you do!

Now the problem is, there's so many excellent themes being created it will be VERY hard to choose! A great problem to have ;-)
Brian (Dont call me Bill), dude i had all but given up on trying to stick with a ROM bouncing back and forth between many. I am glad to see that you are back in the scene, and are on board with Sapphire! How about a port of some red goodness :p..


Edit: A vote for a girlie theme as my wife will not let me move her phone to Sapphire until one is available....
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Brian (Dont call me Bill), dude i had all but given up on trying to stick with a ROM bouncing back and forth between many. I am glad to see that you are back in the scene, and are on board with Sapphire! How about a port of some red goodness :p..


Edit: A vote for a girlie theme as my wife will not let me move her phone to Sapphire until one is available....

Ahh hello my friend! im working on incognito right now but Ill get red Rum Ported sometime tomorrow!! Good to see you here!!!
Brian thank you so much for porting Black Ice over to Sapphire. I know you don't care too much for that theme, so as a thank you I've donated to the DisneyLand fund.
Brian, first off, thanks for all the hard work you have put in on the themes. It is really appreciated.

I wondered if you knew what the status of robertj13's themes are. I read that he was leaving the forums but that he was going to port them over before he left, however, I cannot find them. I am running his Alternate Dark theme but was looking for his Purple Passion.

If you could let me know where I can find it or if it has been ported I would appreciate it.
Brian thank you so much for porting Black Ice over to Sapphire. I know you don't care too much for that theme, so as a thank you I've donated to the DisneyLand fund.

Thank you so much it is appreciated

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Brian, first off, thanks for all the hard work you have put in on the themes. It is really appreciated.

I wondered if you knew what the status of robertj13's themes are. I read that he was leaving the forums but that he was going to port them over before he left, however, I cannot find them. I am running his Alternate Dark theme but was looking for his Purple Passion.

If you could let me know where I can find it or if it has been ported I would appreciate it.

I'm not sure if he has finished them yet. Ill hit him up and see where he is at with them

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In regards the nextheme, does anybody know the color code for the blue of the wifi icon, the grey of the signal bar icons and the green of the battery icon? Thanks.
What is the name of the memory/battery/sd card widget in the Screenshot for rEVOlution?
Also, why don't more themes mod the lock/call answer sliders? It's really disheartening to run a slammin theme like rEVOlution and then have the drab grey sliders there. Is there a way to mod just the sliders? I'm tired of looking at default, that's why I got into themeing in the first place.
Yes, they are located in the "drawable-hdpi" and "drawable-land-hdpi" folder inside the "framework-res.apk"