That is good news.. how is Tmobile service and 4g though.. do u notice the difference?
ok here where i am living now i only have edge service but its steady. have wifi at home of course so no big deal. on verizon i had 3g here .
where i work and am moving to they have 4g. got 8megs down 2 up approx.
tmobile has wifi calling built in so no sip setup and all that crud. so if theres wifi you can call which is a great thing for camping as they ussually have wifi but no signal.(in the mountains) here.
att here where i live now had no signal hardly at all and couldnt hold a call.
tmobile has great service around northern colorado and 4g upgraded and they are continuing . i understand the 4g where i work just went live last couple weeks.
no verizon 4g here where i live,work or in the area. and not announced so it will be another year at least.
tmobile is friendly with developers and have tweeted that they cant wait to see what cm can do with the g2x and even gave him a slate and released the source code 3 days after release.
they do charge 15 bucks for tethering supposedly, but its turned on by default in this froyo build at least no rooting or anything its working. i guess if you do a lot they might say something.
the 2 gig limit before throtteling you was only for that 79.99 package they offer. for 89 i got 1000 minutes unlimieted data and text. i wont ever use 1000 minutes , why would i make phone calls on my portable computer
i hear they throttle after 5 gigs but i dont see that printed in the small print so they may have taken that away since they offered that 79.99 plan with 2 gigs before throtteling dont know.
and verizon is charging 300 for the charge so i can only imagine what they will charge for a real new gen phone.
so its really about how is tmobile service where you are at. since its not like verizon and probably good everywhere but if its got service where you need it its good.
definatley wouldnt be a internet service for me at the house here. but i wouldnt do that anyway thats what is causing them to do all this throttleing and crap wish people would stop using a phone as their tethered internet device than those that want to use it for video and stuff wouldnt have to worry. waiting for my micro hdmi cord i ordered the wrong one the first time
but i hear it does video streaming mirror so thats what i was looking for.
only thing with the phone is only 512 of ram but so far it hasnt seemed to be a problem. system has 1.2 gigs in it so no worry about themes
this year is gonna be the year of the mobile phones. ther are just so many great phones coming. but this one is here now and isnt lacking much from what is announced through summer so shouldnt be any buyers remorse until october