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Sourcery ROM
Sourcery Change Log
***Sourcery ROM V1.1 Release!***
Whats new: in 1.1
volume control-volume-vibrate-silent(must be turned on in seetings sounds.)(cyanogen)
long press back- long press back to kill application(turn on in applications development)(cyanogen)
choose launcher 2 or ADW.***(1-13 launcher 2 removed from 1.1 causes too many problems with system memory )***
Dont forget with ADW you have easy instant theme changing within ADW
Themes-more themes, more to come.
reverted to ASOP kernel set to 600 overclocks to 800 easily with CPUboost
Removed touch screen enhancements(nothing improved seen, many bugs caused by)
removed droidlife,droidforums,quickoffice from install(added to additional apps)
New lockscreen
Pull down changed for more easily redability
Resolved Reboot issue with screen off opening keyboard(if random reboots change kernels)
More ui,ringtone,notifications sounds
resolved lockscreen and unlock screen sounds(now working)
install bootanimations from root of sdcard added.
instantly uninstall apps from system/app(for data/apps drap and hold over trashcan)
changed many names ie all are now alternate apps(stock is stock sourcery already modified) added music
Alternate MMS now has led options.
most scripts rewritten.
much increased free system space at install.
-Android 2.2.1 source built from Google's source code with github pulls from open source community
-Fully Zipaligned, & Deodexed
-Pre-themed (Original Sourcery Blue Theme with more colors to come)
many other themes ported to Sourcery ROM with 1 Press Install
-5 more available Animations packs with 1 Press Install (animations -Stale Bread)
-Overclocked to 600mhz running sotck ASOP kernel but is easily changed to Slayher's kernels from settings!
-Tons of tweaks to increase performance & battery life
-Neural Network Live Wallpaper with blue lights
-Ad blocking on/off commands(canvs2321)
-Percentage in Battery with 10% increments
-Music controls on lockscreen (Should control all music apps)(kmobs/CVCPS)
-Reboot & Recovery Options (Woodyman, original Cyanogenmod)
-No vibrate on shut down
-FRG83D Proprietaries (Google & Motorola)
-Latest Google Applications (Google)
-50% Signal Loss Fix (Koush)
-Download Any File type (
-Modified Browser (miui)(subject to change)
-Modified MMS (TP76)(subject to change)
-Modified Contact (credit to Wysie, Blackdroid, Cyanogen)(subject to change)
-Phone Application Modifications (Wysie)
-Music Application Modification (Eliot Stocker)(BlackDroid)
-Modified nexus and Visualization Live Wallpapers
-3 keyboards Sourcery htc, sourcery transparent, gingerbread + others with themes.
Sourcery Magic Settings(thanks Blackdroid for helping to figure this out, and template to get it started))
-Check for new releases/updates from settings
-Change Window Animations
-Install themes, kernels, and apps from settings
-Switch boot animation from settings(teamsourcery-blackdroid)
-Modified apps (Browser, contacts, messaging, music)(miui,Blackdroid,TP76/cyanogen.ElliotStocker)
-Custom fonts (21 fonts to choose from in settings)(blackdroid)
-Wizard mode(canvs2321)(Blackdroid)
-Commands to free up system memory (50mbs, 75mbs, 100mbs)(canvs2321)
-Clear dalvik cache(blackdroid)
-Market speed fix(blackdroid)
-Mount System (read only, read write)(blackdroid/canvs2321)
-Fix permissions(cyanogen)
-Enable/disable camera sounds(canvs2321)
-Enable/disable boot animation(blackdroid)
-Backup/restore settings(jrummy)
-Compcache RAM settings as well as many other performance enhancements
-Various app settings to change how certain apps work
-Tons more that you have to load the ROM to see
Apps Included:
-ADW launcher 1.3.6 (transparent)(anderWeb-Boombuler)
-Calculator (transparent)
-Car Home
-Colorize widget (SnowBEE)
-Contact widget (Boombuler)
-Contacts (Transparent)
-DroidForums app (Droid Forums)(now in additional apps)
-DroidLife app (DroidLife)(now in additional apps)
-DSP manager (audio equalizer)
-Eliot Stocker music mod (transparent)
-Email (transparent)
-File manager (?) minimal
-3D Gallery
-Gemini Calendar (transparent)(Gemini Mobile)
-Gmail (transparent)
-GoogleQuickSearch (transparent)
-LatinImeGoogle (keyboard)(transparent)
-Market (transparent)
-Mms (transparent)
-Protips (modded)
-Talk (Soon to be transparent)
-Wireless Tether (muller, lemons, Buxton)
-World clock widget
-CPUBoost (Conap)
-Fancy Widget (Android Does)?
-Many more transparent apps to come
-Many more available as easy download within the rom-
-All non open source apps have permissions to be utilized!
-Non credited either google/motorola/ or Team Sourcery
-Default Install Location (auto, internal, external)(in terminal -su ,pm )
-Zipalign Applications
-Compache (cyanogen-Slayher)
Script Credits (canvs2321,Jrummy,BlackDroid, Pete, Team Sourcery)
We have instituted some features to insure you easily stay up to date. We will offer the new apps as they come out unthemed as soon as we know about them and once themed they will be pushed through our settings.
There are several features inside settings that will allow you to customize your phone the way you want it to be. This is not the CM push notifications you will need to check Rom Update. Please feel free to use this feature whenever you want it will close quickly if there is no update available and will install the update if there is one. We will communicate when there is one by IRC (#sourcery), at the website (Sourcery ROM), tweets will be posted at twitter (@Sourceryrom), and as always on Droid Forums.
(Release 1.1 is a full rom and gapps downlaod due to number of changes we have made, to insure a more stable and magical experience moving forward.)
We will be available for live support at IRC #sourcery don’t worry if you don’t know what that is go to, and choose the IRC tab its magically easy!
We do have 2 known issues.
1) When setting an alarm it works both by voice and by hand. After setting the alarm it brings you to the alarm list you cannot see the time. This is due to the background theming behind text such as in settings. We are not sure but feel the tradeoff is worth it but we will continue to work on it and when fixed an update will be available.
2) Secondly when in the call log occasionally the words will be squished up also due to the background theming. This will be worked on as well but for a short term fix you can scroll up and down and it should fix itself or you can just exit the call log and come back to it and it will fix itself.
( we did discover you can see the alarm times in landscape mode- but have not fixed these at this point)
The magic just got better!
**************VERIFIED TO INSTALL ON RAID ZERO RECOVERY RZ 1.6 **************
Usual stuff we are not responsible for any damage or problems that may occur using this rom. This rom could Brick your phone causing it to be unrepairable.
Use at your own risk
By downloading this rom you waive any responsibility of Eagle1967 , GFLam , or Team Sourcery of any liabilities.
This is a 2 install release( you must install gapps plus after rom for full functionality)
(preferred method is 1)wipe data/cache 2) install rom 3)install gapps 4) reboot into Sourcery!
Yes please download both, SourcerygappsPlus and the ROM have changed from release 1.0
Per request we made choosing launchers and uninstalling unwanted Launchers easy. but make sure you always have a launcher installed. or you will black screen!
This is a 2 install release( you must install gapps plus after rom for full functionality)
(preferred method is 1)wipe data/cache 2) install rom 3)install gapps 4) reboot into Sourcery!
Sourcery V1.1
Sourcery Gapps Plus
***Sourcery 1.2 (through Rom Update) Change Log***
-Theme previews
- Reboot buttons in settings (now a soft reboot only to boot animation not M)(actngrezy)
- Rearanged settings to better find animations.
- Installed Stock Froyo Calander
- Added option to delete Gemini Calendar(though why)
- New Scripts
-Rom Update will only download update if you dont have it if you have the update and press rom update it will close like you have been seeing.
- Credit updates
Thanks to Yepitsme19 for the awesome Sourcery Boot animation.
Please visit to view themes and visit the themers main site. We appreciate them allowing their great themes on Sourcery. And dont forget to check out the credits in the magic settings on sourceryrom this project was assisted in part by many people. Thanks to blackdroid who taught me how to compile and assited me from scratch through release of sourcery 1.0.
If you feel we didn't credit you and should have please let us know it wasn't intentional.