I was a developer for Sourcery ROM but since that is no longer being developed for I have moved on to apps I am now near the completion of my first app and need beta testers.
If you are interested in testing for me send me an email at dev@gflam.com please don't pm me it's easier for me to be organized through my email.
Looking specifically for users on different phones I myself only currently have a droid 1 so if you have something different that would be best.
In your email please include your name, phone model, experience, and a short reason as to why you would be a good tester just so i can pick a few easily.
Thanks for anyone who is interested
If you are interested in testing for me send me an email at dev@gflam.com please don't pm me it's easier for me to be organized through my email.
Looking specifically for users on different phones I myself only currently have a droid 1 so if you have something different that would be best.
In your email please include your name, phone model, experience, and a short reason as to why you would be a good tester just so i can pick a few easily.
Thanks for anyone who is interested