Hey everyone,
OTA update keeps failing when I go into recovery to update. It gives me an error message, simplified, like this (sorry no screenshot):
apply_patch_check "(system/app/BooksPhone.apk)" "(4df2cf......insert long checksum here....)" "(91dc91cc....insert long checksum here.....)"
E: error in tmp/sideload/package.zip
Been googling around and found this: Solution for Failed OTA Update (due to removed apps) - xda-developers but it hasnt helped me so far. I reinstalled Google Books and made sure it wasn't frozen, didnt work. I uninstalled Google Books a while back with TiBU with root perms cause I figured I would never need it. System app apparently. I think that's what my problem is. I copied "BooksPhone.apk" and "BooksPhone.odex" into /system/apps/ but that still didnt fix it. I get the same error. I got a pre-OTA "BooksPhone" files from that webpage. Also, normal OTA install (not through recovery console) didnt work either.
Any help or links to more pages would help alot. I want more reliable 4G!!
OTA update keeps failing when I go into recovery to update. It gives me an error message, simplified, like this (sorry no screenshot):
apply_patch_check "(system/app/BooksPhone.apk)" "(4df2cf......insert long checksum here....)" "(91dc91cc....insert long checksum here.....)"
E: error in tmp/sideload/package.zip
Been googling around and found this: Solution for Failed OTA Update (due to removed apps) - xda-developers but it hasnt helped me so far. I reinstalled Google Books and made sure it wasn't frozen, didnt work. I uninstalled Google Books a while back with TiBU with root perms cause I figured I would never need it. System app apparently. I think that's what my problem is. I copied "BooksPhone.apk" and "BooksPhone.odex" into /system/apps/ but that still didnt fix it. I get the same error. I got a pre-OTA "BooksPhone" files from that webpage. Also, normal OTA install (not through recovery console) didnt work either.
Any help or links to more pages would help alot. I want more reliable 4G!!