Nexus or Razr?


Mar 20, 2011
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I'm going to be buying my wife her first smartphone and we were looking at the white razr or the nexus. I currently have a tbolt so I wanted to get some more opinions about these phones. She prefers a white phone and I don't think Verizon is getting the white nexus so she's leaning towards the razr but I think ICS is the better choice. Any thoughts?

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ICS will be coming to to the razr

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
I'm sure the Nexus is a great phone, but since I have not used one I can only comment on the Razr which is also great. I have a Xoom which has pure ICS like the Nexus and find I would miss the added features that blur gives you.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using DroidForums
Are the home and back buttons on the razr built for ICS like the nexus has or are they permanent ones like my tbolt?

Sent from my SHIFTAO5P using DroidForums
ICS will be coming to to the razr

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums

you seriously believe ICS will be coming to the razr any time soon? moto is still sending updates to the bionic to try and get it working right...

based on my bionic experience, i don't trust moto with software.

as far as the OP's question, do you want sub-par screen res with an old OS, or the latest and greatest?
I prefer the nexus because i plan on buying one for myself and I can honesetly say that im pretty bored with gingerbread.
The Razr will receive ICS, they mentioned Q1 of 2012, but who knows really.

Considering this phone is for your wife, has she actually had some hands-on time with them or only saw them? After all there should be more factors into considering a phone other than the color of it:p

Future versions of ICS will rely on the physical buttons. As the Nexus doesn't have any dedicated home/back buttons, it uses the soft keys provided by ICS.
If i had to do it over again id get the razr. I plan to trade my gn for the maxx as soon as its in stock. The phone is just more complete imo. The nexus is good but i think the software is too young or something. Just seems more clunky and the radios are pretty subpar if you live in a less than stellar 4g area. Unless they come out with an update before the maxx gets in stock i will most likely be trading it in. Havent decided 100% but thats what im leaning towards
I agree, the color is simply one factor, its just more aesthetically pleasing for her but in terms of actual hands on time she has only used my rooted Tbolt which she loves. I've had such bad experiences waiting on updates that never come on time with my Tbolt that I didnt want to go through again with the Razr (i dont plan on rooting her phone).
I have a Gnex and just bought a RAZR Maxx. The Gnex just doesn't cut it in the data reception area for me. Been through two and tried numerous combos of kernels and radios with no luck . Nothing beats Moto radios for reception. I will miss ICS for now and the unlocked bootloader. But it is a fair tradeoff for good reception.

Tap'd to the Maxx
I agree, the color is simply one factor, its just more aesthetically pleasing for her but in terms of actual hands on time she has only used my rooted Tbolt which she loves. I've had such bad experiences waiting on updates that never come on time with my Tbolt that I didnt want to go through again with the Razr (i dont plan on rooting her phone).
Then she should head to the store and check the phones out for herself, after all she'll be the one using it
She should definitely do some hands on to see what she likes but despite sooner of the childish comments about "old os" and such, just take a look around the forums. You will see a pretty significant number of gnex users jumping ship for the rezound or razr/maxx..... but not many gong the other way. I think that speaks for itself.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using DroidForums
Had both nexus and razr. Nexus could not hold a reliable data connection in my area (northern CA). Hopefully an ota fixes this for the nexus, but I also had fascinate and charge (more samsung phones) and signal, gps, and call quality all were subpar compared to my bionic and razr. Supposedly samsung is getting better at these things, but nexus suffered from poor signal and call quality. The screen is great though on nexus and tons of fanboys will tell you it is perfect. You have 14 days to try one out, make sure you trade out before that if anything is unappealing. Get razr maxx if getting razr, extra battery is worth it. Motorola has pushed out 2 otas for bionic and razr, both are being supported. Both are promised to get ICS, who knows how great it will be...I returned nexus for razr and have not regretted it one bit. I sold my bionic to get nexus and immediately regretted it. Bionic was rock solid after 2nd ota. Good luck making a decision, lotta nice phones now.

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