White Galaxy Nexus


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Nov 11, 2009
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Well looks like it's officially out and Engadget got their hands on it. Yeah I know how some of us feel about white phones, but hey they give us a good look. Doesn't look as tacky as I thought it would. What do y'all think? Think this could mean more colors coming to Verizon? (Long shot, but fun to think about)

White Galaxy Nexus hands-on: a taste of vanilla-flavored Ice Cream Sandwich (video) -- Engadget

nd straight to the gallery: http://www.engadget.com/photos/white-galaxy-nexus-hspa-overview/#4814333

Searched and didn't find any post about it in here or News section)
Colors would be cool to an extent - I say that and I don't think I would buy something other than the standard gray/black...if you buy a color then you feel guilty about covering it with a case LOL ;)...
I'd rather buy the white case that Droid-Life reviewed a little while back. I think it personally looks even a little better.

And lol at the video, "It just has "Google" on the back, the way it should be unlike the fake branded Verizon version.".
-Lol, be quiet. Of course Verizon's going to want to brand it in at least some way. It's Verizon. Not an HSPA+ version that can be used on 50different carriers. It's still very minimal and still a Nexus phone. "Verizon 4g LTE" is just replacing Google.
Having a little convo with yourself there Ben?:D
I still think it looks cool. Something about things be a little different I just like :biggrin:
I think it looks 10 times better than the dull original gray, i really hope this comes to verizon. So tired of att & tmobile getting all the good looking devices....:mad:
Doesn't look bad, don't know if I like the slick look though. Seems like it might feel a bit cheaper than the original.

I actually agree with not making the front have any white on it, the black face is what makes the Nexus such a beauty.

Edit: My mistake, thought the back plate didn't have the little grip bumps on it like the regular one, but it does, that's the reason I thought it would feel cheaper. Although the sides do look a lot "slicker" with the white coating they've used.
The only comparison I can make it terms of white vs black/dark grey is using my ps3 controllers. The white controller looks nice, but it does feel a bit different, like a different plastic was used. It doesn't feel cheap by any means, but you do notice a difference in feel. I have a feeling this may be the same case with this white Nexus.
pass :icon_eek:

the GN looks cheap enough in black.

I don't really "get" these sort of comments. Just because the GN doesn't have some chrome bezel doodads and whatnot it looks cheap? I personally find the clean look of the phone quite pleasing to the eye.

As for white, I'll pass. Although I would jump on a true black color instead of the grey.

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I would like to be able to have interchangeable back battery covers. Could I get a white (or blue, or black, or red, or whatever) battery cover to use on my grey Nex?
If the original was a true black I'd probably take that over the white but there's something about the gray that just isn't appealing.

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If the original was a true black I'd probably take that over the white but there's something about the gray that just isn't appealing.

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True black would've been nice but the dark grey is something a little different. Alot of the Droids are black all around so was nice to see. I actually would've like to see the lighter grey like on the GSM version.