Here are all of the ROM's for the X on this site:
Droid X Roms - Droid Forum - Verizon Droid & the Motorola Droid Forum
Here is ApeX:
**Read this list entirely through twice before you do anything.
**I also HIGHLY suggest reading all of the instructions in the original post of ApeX if that is the ROM that you choose to go with.
---Download the ROM that you want to install and make sure that it is in a .zip folder (some browsers rename), and that it is on the main directory of your SD card (it makes it easier to find if it is not in folders)
1.) Make sure you have Z4Root installed. Google it. Current version is 1.3 and you'll have to get it at XDA's website because it's not in the market. Google 'Z4Root 1.3'. Download the .apk file and install on your phone.
2.) Download and install Droid X Recovery Bootstrap from the market.
3.) Reboot
4.) Run Z4Root, click "Root Me"
5.) Phone will reboot after rooting
-If you want, now you can backup using titanium backup. What this will do is back up all apps and data so that if you flash a new rom you can restore all apps and data. Otherwise. The market will automatically push all your apps to your phone. But you won't have the data. I recommend the paid version. One click and you can back all apps up. Honestly it may be easiest to start fresh without backing up apps if you don't mind having them all redownload and losing data and such. Anyhow.
6.) Run Droid X Recovery Bootstrap
7.) Click Bootstrap Recovery
8.) Click Ok when the pop up shows
9.) Click Reboot Recovery
10.) Phone will now boot into recovery
Now you are at the Recovery screen. Uses the volume rocker to navigate up and down, and the camera button to select. Also, the power/sleep button can be used to go back.
11.) Scroll down to "backup and restore"
12.) Click backup
13.) This will backup your stock ROM (basically a screen shot off your entire system as it stands, so of you ever need to unroot and go stock, this is the file that you will flash in the bootstrapper. Then all you will have to do is unroot using z4root and you will be stock.)
---File will be stored in the /clockwork folder on your SD card, I recommend backing up this file to you computer also.
14.) back at the main screen, press "wipe data/factory reset"
15.) The press "wipe cache partition"
16.) Then go to "install zip from sd card"
17.) Then choose "Choose zip from sdcard"
18.) Select the ROM (the ziped folder) that you put on there)
19.) click yes
20.) it will install, should put you back at the main menu with the top option being to reboot system now, select this, and you're done!
Again, I suggest reading the 1st post in the rom that you think you are going to use, most developers also include instructions. Read everything twice (including this), and do it once, successfully. THERE YOU GO! HAVE FUN!
Let me know if you have any issues.
Sent from my DROIDX