I'm looking into it. I'd like to have a little widget switch for LTE myself, so if I figure anything out I'll let you all know.
Update 9pm EST 3-17-11: Making some progress, but there seems to be some hidden force that's keeping my network preference modification from sticking. That and the default value isn't what I expected, so I'm a little in the dark at the moment. Need some Thunderbolt source from HTC.
Update 11pm EST 3-17-11: Still trying to work through things, but I thought I should mention that there is a manual method to doing this that's the same as on other devices. Go into testing mode by dialing *#*#4636#*#* > phone information > Scroll down and Select preferred network type to be "CDMA auto (PRL)" rather than the default "CDMA + LTE/EvDo auto"