I was an avid user of wireless tether but please do not use it while still running stock rom. Verizon and motorola have security features built into the stock software to help them track people using what they consider illeagal tether apps. Please refrain from using such apps until there is a custom ROM released so as to avoid bringing us to the forefront of verizons attention. In the meantime use pdanet USB tether app located in market. It is important that we as a community stop using our knowledge to continue pushing carriers and handset manufacturers from locking us out completely. If we continue our current trend of outrite defiance in use of these wireless tether apps (wheather you think it should be ok or not is irrelevent until a court rules on it) we are only hurting ourselves in the long run. Please for now use pdanet or similar USB tether app as they are not frowned upon by carriers. If you need to know why here it is, USB apps allow only one device to be connected which limits bandwidth used at one time, wireless tethers allow you to run everything in your house simultatiously greatly increasing individual strain on the network and makeing the user experience for all worse in the long run as the network can only handle so much.
Well, there it all is, an informed public is a better public... Happy modding to all.
Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
Well, there it all is, an informed public is a better public... Happy modding to all.
Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums