ICS: will it run most older apps?


Nov 6, 2009
Reaction score
pretty important question, but will the majority of old apps written for 2.3 run ok on ICS? obviously I wouldn't expect 100%, but I am hoping maybe 90%+ ?

specifically, one very NB app for me, the wireless tether hotspot app (not the verizon one, the free one)
From the get-go there are gonna be some apps that are not ICS optimized and won't even run on ICS. That is the case with Honeycomb right now. It is up to the developers to optimize their apps for ICS. I am sure most will but there are some they may not bother. There are a few of my favorite apps that will not currently run on HC because they have never been updated to do so. But with the fact that ICS will be for phones and tablets, I am sure more developers will jump on board.