You need to be on the prerooted GB leak.
I used this guide here to figure this all out.
I used this guide here to figure this all out.
- Download xUltimate here.
- Unzip xUltimate, and launch "Main.exe"
- If everything goes well xUlt should recognize the phone and make a connection. You now should see a list of options.
- Run option 1. After option 1 is done, run option 2.
- !!!!ERASE FROM the origi_app folder: MediaGallery.apk, MediaGallery.odex, VideoPlayer.apk, VideoPlayer.odex !!!!
- Now these will take a while. Run option 3.
- Now run option 4, and wait.
- Exit xUltimate, and put the phone in USB mass storage.
- Go back into the xUltimate folder and copy "done_frame", and "done_app", and move them to the root of the sdcard.
- Put the phone in charge only mode
- Open a command prompt, and do the following:
- adb shell
mount -o rw,remount -t ext3 /dev/block/mmcblk1p21 /system
cp /sdcard/done_app/* /system/app/
cp /sdcard/done_frame/* /system/framework/
rm /system/app/*.odex
rm /system/framework/*.odex
mount -o ro,remount -t ext3 /dev/block/mmcblk1p21 /system
reboot - Push MediaGallery.apk and VideoPlayer.apk that you have downloaded in this post to the /system/app/ folder (Will post these here later tonight)
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