Eris Complaints?


New Member
Nov 9, 2009
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Actually considering swapping out my Droid for the Eris and am lurking over here to see peoples opinions - no one is complaining about it! Seems like Droid owners are for the most part complaining about how bad the camera sucks, and the lack of this or that. Is battery life really the only issue?

Anyone have a good bit of experience in using both, or even swapped out the Droid for Eris? I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Thanks in advance...
Why are we not complaining? Its called HTC Sense UI and its awesome. and the fact that the Eris is more compact and pocketable.

Sure the moto droid is obviously faster at rendering PDFs and webpages and has a higher resolution screen ect but I dont care, I can do anything on the Eris that the Moto Droid does and the Eris fits nice in my pocket.

Again...HTC Sense UI....yes its that good.
Why are we not complaining? Its called HTC Sense UI and its awesome. and the fact that the Eris is more compact and pocketable.

Sure the moto droid is obviously faster at rendering PDFs and webpages and has a higher resolution screen ect but I dont care, I can do anything on the Eris that the Moto Droid does and the Eris fits nice in my pocket.

Again...HTC Sense UI....yes its that good.

I think we need more Eris users on this forum, seem to be kind of limited.
I traded in the Droid for the Eris

I had the Droid for four days before making the decision to trade it in. Three main reasons:
1) The Droid physical keyboard was not useful for me, I just could not type on the thing. So it was just useless weight for me.
2) The Droid to me didn't really feel like a phone. Too heavy and clunky. Couldn't slip it into my pocket.
3) The Eris design layout is just more pleasing to me - two physical buttons on the lower front, and four screen buttons above those. Just seems to work better for me.

Add to that the weak Droid camera, and the additional $100 Droid cost. And I think HTC is going to upgrade this to 2.0 very shortly.
I think we need more Eris users on this forum, seem to be kind of limited.
I hope you are not being sarcastic about my comment. HTC did an excellent job with the Eris. The Sense UI interface blows away anything that is on andriod OS to date. Its even far better than the Iphone interface IMO since you get to have interactive Widgets on any of the 7 home screens and on top of that you can create different profiles for each group of 7 home screens. There is so much more to Sense UI and HTC proprietary addons like pinch to zoom which EVERYONE wants. Luckly HTC was able to add pinch to zoom on the Eris web browser. Unfortunately google maps does not work with it as Google did not allow HTC to add this feature into the app.
I think it was a mere statement to say that we need more eris users. Seeing as we really don't have that many.

And while there will be people who love the droid, and people who love eris. I'm not biased in any way. Both will get updates to fix certain things, both are great pieces of hardware. The sense UI, is a great UI. I think alot of what they were trying to do with the droid was make it so customizable, i just think they should have given developers more time before the launch :).
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I think it was a mere statement to say that we need more eris users. Seeing as we really don't have that many.

And while there will be people who love the droid, and people who love eris. I'm not biased in any way. Both will get updates to fix certain things, both are great pieces of hardware. The sense UI, is a great OS. I think alot of what they were trying to do with the droid was make it so customizable, i just think they should have given developers more time before the launch :).

Sens UI is not an OS, it is a UI.
It's funny.. I had the Moto Droid on lock down. And when I went to the midnight launch I got a chance to play with the Eris and Moto Droid side-by-side and I eventually went over to the Eris.

The Moto has an insanely large screen, which I really loved. Also, the video camera looks really good which I planned to make use of. The keyboard however was wobbly and I *hated* the crap brown button/speaker grill.

But once I played around with the Eris and noticed that, even though the Moto had faster guts, the Eris was more responsive. Call it the Sense UI but it is just a more responsive phone in my opinion. The screen is smaller and for a bigger guy like myself it can sometimes be tougher to use the Eris with it lacking a physical keyboard. But I still believe I made the right decision.

To each his own though, you really need to play with them both. I REALLY think verzion needs to advertise the Eris more. It's a REALLY nice phone and people just don't know about it.

Also.. what's with the lacking accessories? I can't find them anywhere.
I had the Droid for four days before making the decision to trade it in. Three main reasons:
1) The Droid physical keyboard was not useful for me, I just could not type on the thing. So it was just useless weight for me.
2) The Droid to me didn't really feel like a phone. Too heavy and clunky. Couldn't slip it into my pocket.
3) The Eris design layout is just more pleasing to me - two physical buttons on the lower front, and four screen buttons above those. Just seems to work better for me.

Add to that the weak Droid camera, and the additional $100 Droid cost. And I think HTC is going to upgrade this to 2.0 very shortly.

The same for me except I only had the Moto Droid for one day.
I had the Droid for four days before making the decision to trade it in. Three main reasons:
1) The Droid physical keyboard was not useful for me, I just could not type on the thing. So it was just useless weight for me.
2) The Droid to me didn't really feel like a phone. Too heavy and clunky. Couldn't slip it into my pocket.
3) The Eris design layout is just more pleasing to me - two physical buttons on the lower front, and four screen buttons above those. Just seems to work better for me.

Add to that the weak Droid camera, and the additional $100 Droid cost. And I think HTC is going to upgrade this to 2.0 very shortly.

Ditto :icon_ banana:
Droid is what it is

  1. Droid is big, hence the size of the screen. It's what I want in a phone.
  2. Some call it ugly. I like the industrial look & rather not have it look like the iPhone and listen to all the crap fanboys would go on about how Moto copied the iPhone.
  3. Too heavy? I like something that feels solid.
  4. It has a slide out keyboard. Works fine for me but the only other keyboard I've ever used (like 3 times) was on a LG NV2.
  5. Zoom is a tap on the screen twice. Should the option to pinch zoom be there for everything, sure. I just don't care tapping is fast.
  6. Google maps. I had been paying for single use VZNavigator on occasion. Now I won't (not sure if this is on the Eris).
  7. I certainly don't like it lacking Flash support. Which according to Adobe is due 1st qtr 2010. Ugh. But as I understand Eris doesn't support either.
I think it comes down to: What phone works for you. ;)
I had the Droid for about 3 days and it was nice but there were some issues with it for me personally. i returned it for the eris and i love it. i am glad i went to the complaints here. i can even type on the keyboard!!!!
Several complaints

1) When I start maps, it thinks I'm in India, takes forever to get a GPS fix. The weather/clock on the home screen doesn't know what city I'm in.

2) The combination of the end call button and menu touch button unlock the phone. Had the phone for three days, and it's pocket calling all the time. I know you can secure the screen with a pattern, but that's a pain.

3) Battery drain! Have to continuously turn on/off wifi, bluetooth, and gps to get through the day.